A Thanks to All Twisted Treeline Players
As announced earlier this year, Twisted Treeline will officially be retired at the end of this season. We're sad to see such a longtime game mode leave our official rotation, but doing so will let us keep our focus on our larger game modes. For more information on this, please check out the /dev post we did about modes!
Players who achieved ranks through Twisted Treeline games will still get those end of season rewards when the season officially ends on November 19 7:00PM AEDT. But as stated previously, there will not be a Twisted Treeline specific chroma this year.
That being said, we want to specially commemorate those of you who've been long-term fans of Vilemaw and celebrate all the games you've played in League's venerable 3v3 mode!
In Patch 9.23, players who played more than 10 games of Twisted Treeline over the map's lifespan will get an exclusive icon. Those who played over 50 games will get that icon and an exclusive emote. And finally, those who played over 100 games will get the first two rewards and a third, limited time icon. Here's a sneak peek of the emote, featuring everyone's favorite spider:
Thanks again to all you loyal spider killers!