Clash Launch Checklist
Here's what you need to know to play in League's first Clash tournament.
League's very first Clash weekend kicks off February 22 & 23! Here's the stuff you absolutely need to know:
Requirements to participate
- Finish your placements in either Solo/Duo or Flex
- Activate account SMS verification in the client (in "General" under Settings)
- Field a team of 5
- Buy a ticket: 975 BE or 195 RP for basic, 975 RP for premium
- You can buy tickets for your teammates, too
- Team creation opens Monday, February 17
- Matches are on Saturday, February 22 and Sunday, February 23
- Lock in for matches begins at 19:00 AEDT
- You can compete on either day or both days
- Both days require their own tickets
- You can change teams between days
- Day 1 and Day 2 are completely unrelated brackets. Day 2 is just as rewarding whether you won, lost, or skipped Day 1.
- (--> THIS IS NEW <--) Everyone plays three games each day, whether they're fighting for first place or seventh.
For everything else Clash-related, like brackets, matchmaking, and info on prizes, check out our previous updates:
Best of luck in your brackets!