Patch 10.7 notes
Hello my children, welcome to 10.7!
First of all, we know we’ve been crowing about it for awhile, but now it’s finally here—the spookiest of all the scarecrows in the land is back! (and Tedrick is nowhere to be found…)
We've also continued to work on matchmaking in Ranked Solo/Duo games by aiming to balance premade duos on both teams. Additionally, you'll see improvements to both One-For-All (champion and system changes) and ARAM (updated Weekly Free Rotations and champion balance changes).
We hope you’re staying safe. Now let’s get into it!
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Patch Highlights
Premade Balance in Ranked
As we mentioned last patch, we've been working on some matchmaking improvements like Autofill Balance to make sure that each game of League feels as fair as possible. With this follow-up change, we'll be attempting to make sure that when one team in a Solo/Duo game has a duo, the other team should have one as well.
This change will only be applying to Ranked Solo/Duo for right now. We’ll be looking into adding it to Flex and Normal games, but since premades can be of all different sizes in those modes, making them equivalent across teams can be much more complicated. Once we've had a chance to see these changes live, we'll try to expand to queues with different group sizes.
The Ancient Fear
The spooky scarecrow is ripping out brains in 10.7. Now with 100% more oogie and boogie.
- Fiddlesticks Biography
- Fiddlesticks Gameplay Preview
- Fiddlesticks Champion Theme
- Fiddlesticks: Terror in Demacia Champion Update Trailer
High-res versions of Fiddlesticks' updated splashes are available on League Displays!
R cooldown decreased.
In an earlier patch, we adjusted Akali's ultimate so that its targeting was a little less free to access, creating a huge cost for what was previously an easy-to-pop-off ability. But using her ultimate is an important part of her gameplay satisfaction, so we're loosening the leash on it a bit now.
R - Perfect Execution
W direct hit burn duration increased.
Corki's been having fun since our last buff, but can still afford another small one, so we're back with round two—get ready for some package boogaloo.
W - Special Delivery
R now grants a magic damage shield to all allies in the area.
Galio’s been in a sad state, and we’ve been working on reigniting his essence as an anti-magic guardian. Our previous buffs didn’t seem to move the needle, so we’re trying something a bit more adventurous this time by giving him the ability to more effectively counter magic damage for both him and his team.
R - Hero’s Entrance
Passive cooldown increased. Q movement speed duration decreased early, scales more later.
Our man of the Vanguard soldiered through his 10.6 nerfs and has continued to overperform, especially in the mid lane. Taking another stab at him by lowering his early utility.
Passive - Perseverance
Q - Decisive Strike
E base damage increased. R cooldown decreased.
Ivern got the short end of the stick with some of the more recent jungle system changes, and we’re not brushing that off. We’re attempting to give him back that power, and then some.
E - Triggerseed
R - Daisy!
E cooldown decreased later.
Supercharged, superfly. We’re giving Kai’Sa more opportunities for late-game outplaying while also maintaining her takedown potential.
E - Supercharge
W target range increased. E target armor reduction ratio increased.
We wanted to increase Nasus' utility since that's the quality that more experienced players value and can capitalize on.
W - Wither
E - Spirit Fire
Base health regen and magic resist growth decreased.
Midturne has gone from meme to nightmare and quite frankly, there’s enough spook with Fiddle in town. We’re cutting out some of Nocturne’s general power, focusing on letting his opponents attrition him out of lane and controlling his scale potential before going full on darkness.
Base Stats
Base health and health regen increased.
Riven has been struggling in the laning phase so we're hesitantly handing back a little power, as a treat, to give her a little more breathing room while farming.
Base Stats
W initial base damage decreased; return base damage decreased, damage ratio increased.
We all know Talon holds his blades close to his heart, but he's letting them go too often. We’re not taking them away from him, but he’s proving to be a menace in higher skilled play, where his early game waveclear allows him to roam far more and far earlier. This patch, we’re reducing his reliance on said blades so that he stays more in line (and in lane).
W - Rake
Passive bonus armor decreased later. E base damage decreased later; now allows W and R to be queued up during its dash.
Wukong has been outperforming our expectations after his mini rework in 10.6 despite our success at bringing his multiple positions closer in power to each other. We will continue to fine tune him as players master the rework.
Passive - Stone Skin
E - Nimbus Strike
Xin Zhao
Passive base heal increased later.
We wanted to spruce up our warrior of Demacia by upping his durability and endurance through difficult fights.
Passive - Determination
Activation time increased.
Conditioning has been overperforming, particularly for tanks and fighters. It should be a little more costly to one's early power for what it gives in the late-game. Not only is it a fine choice for anyone, it’s mandatory for tanks and fighters, where it stands head and shoulders above any other single rune.
Phase Rush
Movement speed for melee champions increased.
Phase Rush remains suboptimal on melee champions, even for those who traditionally have opted into this kind of Keystone. Looking to make it more tempting for those folks.
One-For-All Balance Changes
We hope you have all been enjoying One-For-All as a part of our Galaxies event! Based on feedback and data from PBE, we're making some balance changes that will hopefully make your One-For-Alls always a ball. This means general system changes as well as ARAM-style individual champion balance changes.
10.7 Buffs
10.7 Nerfs
System Changes
ARAM Free to Play Rotation and Balance Changes
We're updating the way free-to-play champions are chosen for ARAM. Before 10.7, the previous three Weekly Free Rotations were available to play in ARAM.
Going forward, we're making the following 65 champions always free to play in ARAM: Aatrox, Ahri, Akali, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Brand, Braum, Caitlyn, Cho'Gath, Darius, Draven, Ekko, Ezreal, Fiora, Fizz, Garen, Graves, Irelia, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jax, Jhin, Jinx, Karma, Karthus, Katarina, Kayle, Kha'Zix, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Lucian, Lulu, Lux, Malphite, Maokai, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nautilus, Nidalee, Pantheon, Pyke, Quinn, Renekton, Riven, Ryze, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Thresh, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Varus, Vayne, Veigar, Vel'Koz, Vladimir, Wukong, Xayah, and Zed, in addition to the current Weekly Free Rotation.
Doing things this way allows us to give ARAM players a broader and more consistent set of champions to pull from, as well as making the free-to-play pool easier to understand for new players. We hope you enjoy, and we'll catch you out on the Abyss!
10.7 Buffs
10.7 Nerfs
- Casting Tristana's Q - Rapid Fire, Miss Fortune's W - Strut, Draven's W - Blood Rush, or Master Yi's R - Highlander no longer cancels the champion's basic attack animation
- Cleaned up the "Silence" bubble effect that appears over a unit when they are Silenced
- Nimbus Cloak now properly procs immediately after performing Hexflash
- Vi is no longer Unstoppable when her R - Assault and Battery is interrupted in any way
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
The following chromas will be released this patch: