Patch 11.1 notes
Aaaand we're back! New year, new season, same old us, here with one last round of adjustments before Ranked kicks into gear. Keep in mind that we already took a first pass before the holidays in 10.25b, so this one is smaller in scale.
Past champions and items, we've got a clarification on lifesteal (look for the yellow sword!), a spicy tweak to the unlock system for Grandmaster and Challenger, and all our best wishes as you sail gracefully through your placements.
Take this portal to the last TFT patch notes before the Festival of Beasts!

Mid-Patch Updates
8/1/2021 Seraphine and Ornn Bugfixes
7/1/2021 Udyr Bugfix
6/1/2021 Balance Changes and Bugfixes
Patch Highlights

W cooldown increased.
Fiddlesticks has been reaping too many rewards in the new jungle.
W - Bountiful Harvest

Mega Gnar Q base damage and slow increased. Mini Gnar E attack speed duration increased. Mega Gnar E range increased.
Giving Gnar more target access and sticking power in his Mega form so he can have more impact beyond just hopping in and casting his ultimate.
Q - Boulder Toss
E - Crunch
E - Hop

E shield strength increased late.
Karma has been a little too weak since the preseason changes, so we're amping up her durability.
E - Inspire

Master Yi
Q cooldown increased later.
Master Yi is too powerful in Average play, so we're bumping down the amount of time he's invulnerable in team fights.
Q - Alpha Strike

Base health regen decreased. W empowered AD scaling decreased.
A simple adjustment as Pantheon's just a tad too strong across the board.
Base Stats
W - Shield Vault

Base health regen and attack damage increased.
Qiyana is weak for all but the most skilled players. We're giving her some general power for when she isn't able to capitalize on clutch roams.
Base Stats

Q cost now scales.
Ryze is struggling in all roles, so we're giving him back some mana.
Q - Overload

E cooldown and cost decreased.
Xayah is having a hard time right now. In addition, since Essence Reaver is now a less appealing first item for her next to Mythics, we're helping her access her key ability more often and earlier.
E - Bladecaller

Base AD growth decreased. Passive bonus crit strike chance increased; excess crit strike to AD conversion decreased.
We're giving both brothers a stronger two-item power spike. This will give them the 100% crit strike chance that they used to enjoy pre-item rework. To balance the increase in early damage, we're decreasing their overall damage output. As a reminder, Guinsoo's Rageblade was changed in 10.25 to interact differently with Yasuo and Yone's Intent passives, which also impacts their general crit power strike. We're also clarifying the excess crit strike chance to bonus AD conversion tooltip for easier comprehension.
Base Stats
Passive - Way of the Wanderer

Base AD growth decreased. Passive bonus crit strike chance increased; excess crit strike to AD conversion decreased.
Brothers stick together; see Yasuo.
Base Stats
Passive - Way of the Hunter
Champion Base Stat Cleanup
We've cleaned up some champions' base stats over the years and are rounding out the remaining 99 champions.

Archangel's Staff
The buffs to Tear in patch 10.24 helped Tear-friendly champions across the board, but we're still looking to improve overall satisfaction for the item line.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Lucidity has been weaker in preseason compared to other options. Looking to bump it up a bit.

Manamune and Muramana have begun to heavily influence marksman item choices. Its value for its relative cost has made it almost always the best 2nd item choice, even rivaling Mythic items for the 1st purchase. We're adjusting Manamune's cost to open up decision-making for AD legendary items.

Continuing from above! In 10.25, we limited Muramana's effect to only trigger on spells that deal physical damage to rein in its purchase on AP mages. This made champions like Ezreal and Corki sad. With other changes to Seraph's in 11.1, we believe we can lift the restriction and lower the power of the Shock passive, which is appealing to mages.

Runaan's Hurricane
We hoped that a bigger, more expensive Runaan's would appeal to more marksmen as a fourth or fifth item choice. This isn't panning out, and champs who want it as their second item are suffering from the high cost of their Mythic+Runaan's+IE core build. We're rebalancing Runaan's to feel better as a second purchase.

Shurelya's Battlesong
Shurelya's has been trending weaker than the other options in the Mythic category at the same price (Mandate, Locket, Moonstone). With the other Mythics in a better spot, we're looking to bump Shurelya's up to par.
Burst Items
We heard players' concerns that we added too much burst damage into the new items; Mythics in particular. So we're pulling back specifically on those since that's where a lot of the systemic damage was added. This is intended to keep the power level of the items neutral, trading more up-front burst for stats instead.
Duskblade of Draktharr
Prowler's Claw
Hextech Rocketbelt
Night Harvester
Trinity Force
Grievous Wounds
We have noticed that system healing sources have seemed on the strong side. Pulling a systemic anti-healing lever.
Lifesteal Clarification
In the 10.23 patch notes, we incorrectly indicated that lifesteal now works on physical damage on-hit effects. To correct the record: When it comes to added damage on attacks, lifesteal applies to all effects labelled as on-hit (as denoted with a yellow sword). Currently, this type of effect is only found on items, not champions.
In-Game Chat/Shop Updates
We're continuing to iterate on the shop and chat. We can't stop. We won't stop.
- We've improved and standardized text editing across the shop and chat so things like CTRL+A to select all, cut, copy, and paste work as expected
- Text editing works with mouse clicks for cursor positioning and drag selection
- Items displayed in the shop build tree are now vertically centered
- When selling a stacked item like a potion or ward, the stack will remain selected and only a single instance of the item will be sold
- Pressing O and P at the same time no longer places the shop into an OP state where the scoreboard and shop overlap each other
- Many bug fixes and performance improvements
Summoner's Rift Ranked Season 2021 Start
Ranked is back! Find the local time for your region below so you can hit the Rift running:
- OCE - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM AEDT
- JP - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM JST
- KR - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM KST
- RU - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM MSK
- TR - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM GMT+3
- EUNE - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM CET
- EUW - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM GMT
- BR - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM GMT-3
- LAN - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM CST
- LAS - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM GMT-3
- NA - January 8, 2021 at 4:00 AM PST
- PH - January 8, 2021 at 4:00 AM PST
- SG - January 8, 2021 at 4:00 AM GMT+8
- TW - January 8, 2021 at 4:00 AM GMT+8
- TH - January 8, 2021 at 4:00 AM GMT+7
- VN - January 8, 2021 at 4:00 AM GMT+7
- CN - January 8, 2021 at 04:00 AM GMT+8
Grandmaster & Challenger Unlocks
To make the race to be the first Grandmaster or Challenger more exciting, we've changed the unlock process. Challenger and Grandmaster are still limited to the top couple hundred accounts on the server, but players must also have at least 200 LP in Master to reach Grandmaster, and at least 500 LP in Grandmaster to reach Challenger. Grandmaster and Challenger are no longer locked at the start of the season, so the race to be the first in your region starts on day one!
ARAM Balance Changes
11.1 Buffs
11.1 Nerfs
Bugfixes/QoL Changes
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed ember timer leaks in Profiles and Login
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Improved reliability in Champ Select,end game screen, Honor, and Friends list
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed emote panel memory leak
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed visual bug with chroma purchases in Champ Select
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed an issue that caused the rune page editor to lock up
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed a memory leak for mission celebrations
- Aphelios no longer gains bonus mana when he swaps his weapons
- Kayle's E - Starfire Spellblade no longer triggers Mana Charge from Tear of the Goddess twice
- Passive cooldowns for Banshee's Veil, Eclipse, Luden's Tempest, and Edge of Night no longer ignore item haste granted from Ingenious Hunter
- Goredrinker's and Stridebreaker's passive's cooldowns no longer ignore ability haste
- Gnar's basic attacks properly apply W - Hyper stacks when his Rage bar is full
- Zoe's E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble now properly activates Imperial Mandate's Coordinated Fire
- Morgana's W - Tormented Shadow now properly deals additional damage to small jungle monsters
- Talon's Q - Noxian Diplomacy now properly grants a mana charge to Talon when he's equipped with Tear of the Goddess
- Shock damage from Ezreal's Muramana empowered Q - Mystic shot now properly only hits enemies once
- When Taric equips Moonstone Renewer, it now properly heals ally champions only once per attack or ability cast in combat
- Brand's E - Conflagration now properly cancels when the enemies dies while Brand is casting the ability onto them
- Ornn's R - Call of the Forge God no longer goes on full cooldown if Ornn dies before the elemental ram appears
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch.
The following chromas will be released this patch: