Patch 14.20 Notes

Happy Player Day, welcome to 14.20!

Happy LoL Player Days and welcome to patch 14.20!

This patch marks our first follow-up patch for Split 3. We're overall quite happy with the new pace of combat and reduced snowballing, but there are unsurprisingly a few outliers after changing about 100 items.

We're sharpening the early game crit ADC item system by re-tuning Collector, Essence Reaver, Statikk Shiv, and Yun Tal Wildarrows. We're also nerfing some AP burst items as they're one-shotting people a little too hard and bringing down some AP jungle clear speeds as well. We think this will help crit ADCs come back up in power and generally empower non-mages in most roles. Beyond those system changes, we're also addressing about a dozen of the game's biggest champion outliers with more to come as we fine tune the last parts of this new item system.

In other news, we’re kicking off LoL Player Days this patch to celebrate League turning 15 years old! And while we aren’t dropping any new games like we did back in the 10th Anniversary Event we do have quite a few rewards coming your way, more details on those down below!

We also have quite a few other updates coming to this patch like the Teemo ASU, Ready Check penalty adjustments, some MMR changes, and the 2024 Worlds Clash. Thanks for reading and we’ll see you in the next patch!

Wrong patch notes? Why don’t you take this portal to the TFT patch notes here!
Lilu "Riot Riru" Cabreros

Patch Highlights

Music Fan Gragas, Cosplayer Neeko, Esports Fan Trundle, and Genesis Nightbringer Yasuo will be available October 9 at 19:00 UTC.

You can also get a Mythic Ann-Sivir-sary skin by completing missions for LoL Player Day! You can get more information in the section right below this one.

Lol Player Days

League of Legends is a game that was built by all of you. The past 15 years have been an amazing journey, and we're so honored by all the ways you've shared your love for the game, esport, and each other.

So starting today, we're celebrating all of you and the ways you’ve made the game so much more than we could’ve hoped for. We’ll share stories from players around the world illustrated by community artists. You'll also have a chance to pick up several Legacy skins from the vault, not to mention ten days of rewards—plus a few other small tokens to show our appreciation.

There are 10 total days of rewards for you to unlock (play a game to complete a mission, complete a mission to get a reward, you know the deal) including the Ann-Sivir-sary Mythic skin, Mythic Essence, and a batch of fan-themed accessories. You'll have until October 28 to grab 'em all; play one game each day, or wait til the very last one and play all 10 games in a row! (Just remember to stretch between matches.) Here's a roadmap for all the goodies coming your way!
  • Day 1: Anniversary Player Icon
  • Day 2: 2500 Blue Essence
  • Day 3: Mystery Icon
  • Day 4: 1050 Orange Essence
  • Day 5: Anniversary Emote
  • Day 6: 5 Mythic Essence
  • Day 7: Mystery Emote
  • Day 8: 10 Mythic Essence
  • Day 9: Ann-Sivir-sary Skin Permanent (Mythic)
  • Day 10: Ann-Sivir-sary Border and Icon
We'll be kicking off the event with a fun Dev Q&A livestream on October 9 at 2pm PDT! Tune in to our Twitch, YouTube, and TikTok! channels for some fun games like “Chat Builds a Champ” and a live balance workshop, plus the chance to ask League devs your burning questions.

We also have three special days at the beginning of the event, Creative Day, Music Day, and Esports Day on October 9, 10, and 11, each representing the big ways you all bring League to life. Check out our socials @LeagueofLegends for some cool downloads!

Whether you've been playing since Open Beta or Season 14, we're glad you're here and thanks for helping make League the game it is today!

Teemo ASU

One of League's oldest and most hated beloved champions is updated in our latest Art and Sustainability Update (ASU). Teemo's ASU is finally releasing with 14.20. He comes with a new animation rig, new animations, new SFX, new VO, and new VFX to make sure he's looking his best while leaving absolute chaos and destruction in his wake.

Due to the increased scope and quality bar, we're going to be raising the cost on three of Teemo's skins. If you already own them then you're good to go and they'll be updated for free. But if you don't have them yet and want to get them at their current lower price then make sure to pick them up before the ASU goes live tomorrow!
  • Happy Elf Teemo (520 RP to 750 RP)
  • Recon Teemo (520 RP to 750 RP)
  • Badger Teemo (520 RP to 750 RP)
We also unvaulted these skins for 14.19 and 14.20 so make sure to grab them before they return to the vault and reroll pool in patch 14.21!

Additionally to celebrate Teemo's ASU we've given him a champion theme here that we're bringing into the game. For the duration of patch 14.20 if you enter the Rift as Teemo his new theme will play before the game starts. We hope you enjoy this little celebration of our little guy, so play a game of Teemo to try it out! (We promise we won't judge you for playing Teemo—thank Mr Broxah.)

Ready Check Penalty Adjustments

Last patch some players received penalties that were too harsh when declining or missing the Ready Check due to a bug with the system. This bug was causing players to progress through the tiers of penalties far quicker than intended, leading to long queue suspensions, even for minor offenses. During patch 14.19 we reduced the rate at which players were receiving more serious penalties for continuing to repeatedly decline Ready Checks while we worked on a permanent fix. With patch 14.20 this issue should now be resolved, as well as inappropriate penalties removed from accounts. The temporary hold on serious penalties for declining Ready Checks will be lifted with patch 14.21 and should return to functioning as intended.

Our goal here is to prevent those repeatedly declining Ready Checks within short periods of time for nefarious purposes, not to penalize players who wanted to back out to pick up a friend, or needed to step away for a moment. This system should now be functioning as intended but if not please report it and let us know.


Last season we made it a bit too easy for players to hit some of the higher ranks and the number of players in equivalent ranks across regions varied too much. As a result we wanted to make some of these higher ranks a bit harder to achieve this season so ranks are more comparable across different regions. As a result of this change, some player placements were a little harsher than intended, so we're walking it back a bit. This patch, players should expect to see increased LP gains as a result.
  • APEX Duo MMR restriction will be turned back on this patch.
  • To support better service performance, Ranked ladders will now be updated every 10 minutes.



Base health increased. Passive bonus AD increased.

Aphelios was hurt by Collector’s nerfs last patch and is in need of some assistance. Not only is Collector getting some help, but Aphelios is also getting some direct buffs this patch to bring him up to snuff. We’re delivering a small mix of damage and durability to his early game while still maintaining him as a late-game carry.

Base Stats

  • Base Health: 580 ⇒ 600

Passive Ability IconP - The Hitman and the Seer

  • Bonus Attack Damages: 4.5/9/13.5/18/22.5/27 ⇒ 5/10/15/20/25/30


Attack speed ratio increased. Q secondary target damage increased.

Caitlyn isn’t hitting her targets at the moment and part of that is driven by her lack of game plans. She’s no longer a premiere lane bully and doesn’t have great late-game sustained damage either. We’d like to strengthen those aspects that she used to have so we’re giving her a little bit of help in both areas.

Base Stats

  • Attack Speed Ratio: 0.61 ⇒ 0.625

Q Ability Icon Q - Piltover Peacemaker

  • Damage to Secondary Targets: 50% ⇒ 60% of total damage


Q mana cost decreased. W damage increased. E mana cost decreased.

We want to help Corki safely exit Pro jail so for now he’s on parole as we smoothe out his mana costs and put more emphasis on the daring part of Daring Bombardier moniker.

Q - Phosphorus Bomb

  • Mana Cost: 80 at all ranks ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80

W - Valkyrie

  • Maximum Damage: 150/225/300/375/450 (+150% AP) ⇒ 150/225/300/375/450 (+150% bonus AD) (+150% AP)

E - Gatling Gun

  • Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70

Dr. Mundo

E bonus attack damage decreased.

When tank items get stronger and overall damage goes down, Dr. Mundo gets very happy and starts to go wherever he wants. But now he’s overpowered and going places he shouldn’t, so we’re going to rein in his damage while preserving his high-end tankiness.

E - Blunt Force Trauma

  • Bonus Attack Damage: 2/2.35/2.7/3.05/3.4% max health ⇒ 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3% max health


AD growth decreased. R damage decreased.

Jhin is about as happy as a Jhin main getting a quadrakill, but he’s too strong at the moment, especially in lower skill brackets where games go later. He should be more of a utility champion and less of a late game carry, so we’re lowering his late-game guaranteed damage by reducing his ultimate damage and AD growth to a number that will make Jhin mains feel conflicted.

Base Stats

  • Attack Damage Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.4

R - Curtain Call

  • Minimum Damage: 64/154/244 (+25% AD) ⇒ 64/128/192 (+25% AD)

Lee Sin

Base AD increased.

Lee Sin was one of the champions hit hardest by this patch and we're giving him some power back to get some pep back in his steps. We don't think his early game is strong enough considering how significantly he falls off (even more so now), so we’re buffing his clear and early skirmishing to give him a stronger chance to solidify a lead.

Base Stats

  • Base Attack Damage: 66 ⇒ 69


Q single target bonus damage decreased.

Mordekaiser is one of the biggest top lane winners of the patch and needs to be reigned in a bit. His first three items are all AP and he's currently dealing some of the highest damage in the game among top laners, so we’re reducing his burst through a nerf to his main damaging ability.

Q - Obliterate

  • Single Target Damage Increase: 40/45/50/55/60% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%


E cast time reduced.

This patch we’re delivering a quality of life change that has been requested by Nilah players for a long time. Nilah’s E should feel smoother to cast and her movements should feel snappier.

E - Slipstream

  • Cast Time: 0.01 seconds ⇒ Instant


W damage increased.

Pantheon’s currently struggling a bit, particularly in lower skilled brackets of play. In order to give him some help that won’t push him over the edge we’re giving his W some additional damage which should help everyone, but especially Pantheon’s that use their empowered W more frequently who tend to be in lower skill brackets.

W - Shield Vault

  • Damage: 5/5.5/6/6.5/7% of target's maximum health (+1.5% per 100 AP) (+0.4% per 100 Pantheon's bonus health) ⇒ 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% of target's maximum health (+1.5% per 100 AP) (+0.4% per 100 Pantheon's bonus health)


Passive cooldown increased. Q monster damage increased. E damage decreased.

Poppy support is dealing too much damage with her Bloodsong into full tank build considering she isn’t opting into any damage items. We’re nerfing that build this patch by increasing the cooldown on her passive in a way that keeps it longer for her when going support. We’re also reducing the damage on her E since support Poppy uses this a lot, along with some compensation for jungle since she’s weaker there and could use the help.

Passive - Iron Ambassador

  • Cooldown: 13/10/7 (levels 1/7/13) ⇒ 16/12/8 (levels 1/7/13)

Q - Hammer Shock

  • Damage Cap vs Monsters: 30/60/90/120/150 ⇒ 50/80/110/140/170

E - Heroic Charge

  • Damage: 60/80/100/120/140 (+50% bonus AD) ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130 (+50% bonus AD)


Q damage increased. Recommended Runes updated.

Riven was strongly bound to Eclipse, which was one of the most-nerfed items last patch. While we’re happy with the item changes overall we need to re-assess champions who are still using these items. We want Riven to feel comfortable stacking damage, so we’re giving her better Q damage as long as she keeps building long swords. The math here works out to a stronger level 9 spike and an overall higher appetite for bonus AD.

We also dug into her recommended rune pages, which are driven by player choices, and found that there are some significantly stronger options available, so we manually replaced a few. This should make her Resolve page much more competitive with her Sorcery one.

Q - Broken Wings

  • Damage: 15/35/55/75/95 (+50/55/60/65/70% total AD) ⇒ 45/75/105/135/165 (+65/70/75/80/85% bonus AD)
  • Recommended Runes
    • Legend: Alacrity ⇒ Legend: Haste
    • Last Stand ⇒ Cut Down
    • Nimbus Cloak ⇒ Gathering Storm
    • Bone Plating ⇒ Second Wind
    • Unflinching ⇒ Shield Bash


W AP ratio decreased, R-E burn damage decreased, R AP ratio decreased.

When we changed Spear of Shojin to have less ultimate haste, Shyvana asked “What ultimate haste?” So it should come as no surprise that her core item is now even more her core item. We don’t think it’s a problem that she’s uniquely situated to ignore ability haste on her ultimate. However, it is a problem that she’s overpowered right now. She’s incredibly lethal and really evasive, leading to her snowballing and running over games too easily, so we’re dropping some of her damage and AP scaling from less meaningful places to give her opponents a fighting chance.

W - Burnout

  • Move Speed: 30/35/40/45/50% + 12% per 100 AP ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50% + 10% per 100 AP

E - Flame Breath

  • Dragon Form Ground DPS: 60-120 (Level 6-18) + 15% bonus AD + 20% AP ⇒ 40-100 (Level 6-18) + 15% bonus AD + 20% AP

R - Dragon's Descent

  • Damage: 150/250/350 + 130% AP ⇒ 150/250/350 + 100% AP


Armor growth decreased.

Singed is another big winner from the item changes last patch, but we think he's close to where he should be so we’re only lightly nerfing him. He's meaningfully harder to kill this patch so we’re targeting his durability. We’re specifically lowering his armor growth since we'd like to reduce that stat in general, which should also give his common matchups more counterplay opportunities.

Base Stats

  • Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.2


Passive damage decreased. E damage decreased.

Skarner has been quite strong in pro and for those that are spending the time to master him, so we want to bring his power for skilled players down a bit. Much of this mastery payoff is coming around how much value you can get out of your E, so we’re mainly targeting that with a small nerf to his passive for good measure.

Passive - Threads of Vibration

  • Max Health Damage: 5-11% (based on level) ⇒ 5-9% (based on level)

E - Ixtal's Impact

  • Damage: 30/60/90/120/150 (+8% of Skarner's max health) ⇒ 30/60/90/120/150 (+6% of Skarner's max health)


E range increased. R range increased.

We delivered a micropatch for Tristana a couple days after 14.19 went live and it looks like, with critical strike builds, she's performing just about right. However, her level 1 spell ranges weren't increased to match her attack range, which we're fixing in this patch.

E - Explosive Charge

  • Range: 525 ⇒ 550

R - Buster Shot

  • Range: 525 ⇒ 550


Attack speed ratio increased, armor growth increased.

Tryndamere got hit pretty hard when armor became better and crit items got weaker. However, we’d still like Tryndamere to have solid DPS, especially late game where he’s lacking. Since he has no built in attack speed buffs in his kit, we’re making sure he has enough access to rapid attacking and can survive shorter fights.

Base Stats

  • Attack Speed Ratio: 0.67 ⇒ 0.694
  • Armor Growth: 4.3 ⇒ 4.8


Awakened Q and R damage to monsters decreased. E bonus movement speed decreased.

Udyr has been pretty strong for a while now and is the premier legend in league of legends. We want to target his jungle as much as possible and leave his top lane relatively untouched, so we’re targeting the jungle modifier on his R and dropping his E movement speed to make his clear speed slower and his ganks a little bit less effective.

Q Ability Icon Q - Wilding Claw

  • Awakened Q Damage Against Monsters: 20 (+100% bonus AD) (+50% AP) ⇒ 15 (+100% bonus AD) (+50% AP)

E - Blazing Stampede

  • Bonus Movement Speed: 30/37/44/51/58/65 ⇒ 25/31/37/43/49/55

R - Wingborne Storm

  • Awakened R Damage Against Monsters: 10-50 (based on level) ⇒ 5-35 (based on level)


W damage decreased.

When gold became less valuable last patch, champions like Veigar who got their power from other sources understandably got much stronger, which is why he’s receiving a nerf. We’d like to close the gap between lower and higher MMR performances when doing this. Dark Matter is generally quite easy to dodge for higher-skilled players, so by lowering its impact, we can disproportionately nerf him in lower MMRs where he’s performing much better.

W - Dark Matter

  • Damage: 85/140/195/250/305 (+70/80/90/100/110% AP) ⇒ 85/140/195/250/305 (+60/70/80/90/100% AP)


Q crit damage increased. R bonus armor penetration on crit increased.

Yasuo was unsurprisingly hit when crit itemization became weaker. However, we’d still like if he was a critical strike enjoyer, so we’re making critical strike a stronger stat for him.

Q Ability Icon Q - Steel Tempest

  • Critical Strike Damage: 80% ⇒ 90% (now matches basic attacks)

R Ability Icon R - Last Breath

  • Bonus Armor Penetration on Critical Strike: 50% ⇒ 60%


Q crit damage increased.

Yone was also unsurprisingly hit when crit itemization became weaker. We’d like to make sure that landing his Qs are building crit are core to his success, so we’re delivering a small buff to that synergy.

Q - Mortal Steel

  • Critical Strike Damage: 80% ⇒ 90% (now matches basic attacks)

ADC Items

We're adjusting the first slot Legendaries for many crit ADCs this patch. While we hit our goals of flatly nerfing everything last patch, we ended up shifting some items into spots where there was no reason to pick them.

We're lightly buffing The Collector and Yun Tal Wildarrows by making them significantly cheaper, allowing crit ADCs to hit one item at similar times to other classes. They're still tied to scaling with more critical strike chance, but now they'll stand out as actual slot-one items, instead of just "worse Infinity Edge."

On Statikk Shiv's side, it just ended up a bit stronger than the other options, so we're delivering a light tap.

Lastly, Essence Reaver's changes are meant to be power neutral with a stat reduction appropriate for its price reduction. As with Yun Tal and Collector, we want it to be enticing in the first slot.

Essence Reaver

  • Item Recipe: B.F. Sword + Caulfield’s Warhammer + Cloak of Agility ⇒ Pickaxe + Caulfield’s Warhammer + Cloak of Agility
  • Price: 3150 ⇒ 2900 gold
  • Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 60
  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 15

The Collector

  • Item Recipe: B.F. Sword + Serrated Dirk + Cloak of Agility ⇒ Pickaxe + Serrated Dirk + Cloak of Agility
  • Price: 3400 ⇒ 2950 gold
  • Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 50

Statikk Shiv

  • Attack Speed: 40% ⇒ 35%

Yun Tal Wildarrows

  • Item Recipe: B.F. Sword + Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility ⇒ Pickaxe + Noonquiver
  • Price: 3200 ⇒ 2950 gold
  • Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 60
  • Serrated Edge Damage: 70 ⇒ 60


Fated Ashes

Liandry’s is so strong this patch that it’s beating out alternative options, so we need to power it down this patch. More context on that right below, but we’re reducing Fated Ashes’ power as part of our goal to reduce Liandry’s power.
  • Damage per Second to Monsters: 25 ⇒ 20

Liandry's Torment

Liandry’s junglers ended up being the biggest winners of last patch and overall the item is so strong for those who can use it that they have no other options and are basically forced to take it. We still want Liandry’s to be a viable option for them, just not one that prevents them from buying anything else.
  • Damage per Second Monster Cap: 50 ⇒ 40

Luden's Companion

We want to limit how much burst damage can come from low-commitment sources. Considering the ease at which Luden’s can apply its damage relative to Stormsurge or Lich Bane, the maximum single-target damage on Luden’s is more than we’re comfortable with. That said, Luden’s is relatively balanced overall. As a result, we’re moving around some of the math: It’ll be a bit weaker against isolated targets but deal more damage overall in all other situations.
  • Fire Damage: 60 (+4% AP) ⇒ 75 (+5% AP)
  • Repeated Fire Damage: 50% of initial damage ⇒ 20% of initial damage
  • Maximum Single Target Damage: 210 (+14% AP) ⇒ 150 (+10% AP)


Stormsurge came out as a big winner from last patch and is crowding out other itemization options. It appears to be better than Shadowflame and is keeping many mages from considering other options so we’re reducing its power to let other AP items have a chance to make it out of the shopkeeper’s store.
  • Ability Power: 95 ⇒ 90
  • Squall Damage: 150 (+15% AP) ⇒ 125 (+10% AP)


Thornmail also ended up being one of the big winners of the patch and is currently the most-built armor item in the game. There are other extremely good and underrated armor items, but most players haven’t come to realize how good Unending Despair is, yet…
  • Armor: 80 ⇒ 75
  • Thorns Damage: 15 (+15% bonus armor) ⇒ 20 (+10% bonus armor)



Updated most runes to be easier to read and display the most pertinent stats in the in-game display panel and end-of-game rune tab. The following runes have had QoL updates:
  • Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Taste of Blood, Sudden Impact, Summon Aery, Arcane Comet, Nullifying Orb, Scorch, Grasp of the Undying, Aftershock, Guardian, Demolish, Font of Life, Conditioning, Waterwalking, Absolute Focus, Bone Plating, Glacial Augment, Relentless Hunter, Ultimate Hunter, Phase Rush, Zombie Ward, Adaptive Force Stat Shard, and Ability Haste Stat Shard

Phase Rush

Phase Rush is technically receiving a gameplay change as a result of using up-to-date practices for its melee-ranged split. In practice, this should be unnoticeable.
  • Ranged Move Speed: 15-40% (based on level) ⇒ 18.75-37.5% (based on level)
  • Melee Move Speed: 25-50% (based on level) (unchanged)

Grasp of the Undying

Grasp of the Undying has risen to the point where it’s becoming a dominant rune option, even on fighters. We’re refocusing the rune to be more about letting tanks and juggernauts use their health pools, rather than letting squishies become tankier.
  • Healing: 3 + (1.2% max health) ⇒ 1.3% max health (breaks even at 3000 max health)
  • Max Health per Stack: 7/4 ⇒ 5 (melee) / 3 (ranged)

Nimbus Cloak

Changing Nimbus Cloak to decaying movement speed was intended to be a power neutral change, but ended up hitting the rune a bit harder than intended so we’re giving it back a tad more movement speed.
  • Decaying Bonus Movement Speed: 12-35% (based on summoner spell cooldown) ⇒ 14-40% (based on summoner spell cooldown)


Hello ARAMers,

After the changes from the last patch, we've noticed that ADCs, especially those who rely on crit items, have been struggling a bit. We want to give them some of their power back this patch and we’ll keep an eye out to make more changes if needed.

As for item changes, we’re (finally) bringing the Statikk Shiv nerf. Thank you for your patience on this one, and we hope we see you on Howling Abyss!


  • Gwen: Damage Dealt: 100% ⇒ 105%
  • Miss Fortune: Damage Taken: 110% ⇒ 105%
  • Nami: Healing Received: 90% ⇒ 100%
  • Nilah: Damage Dealt: 95% ⇒ 100%
  • Samira: Damage Dealt: 98% ⇒ 100%
  • Senna: Damage Dealt: 94% ⇒ 97%
  • Seraphine: Damage Dealt: 85% ⇒ 90%
  • Smolder: Damage Taken: 105% ⇒ 102%
  • Zeri: Damage Taken: 100% ⇒ 95%


  • Ahri: Damage Dealt: 100% ⇒ 97%; Healing Received: 100% ⇒ 90%
  • Leona: Damage Taken: 100% ⇒ 105%; Damage Dealt: 90% ⇒ 95%

Items (ARAM Only)

  • Statikk Shiv: Damage Dealt to Champions: 270 ⇒ 160; added a 3 second cooldown to Electroshock
  • Stormsurge: Squall Damage: 100 (+15% AP) ⇒ 125 (+10% AP); ARAM specific changes have been removed
  • Sundered Sky: Healing: 120% Base AD (+ 4% missing health) ⇒ 100% Base AD (+6% missing HP); ARAM specific changes have been removed

Ultimate Spellbook

Since Ultimate Spellbook went live last patch we’ve been keeping an eye out for bugs, Ulternate Summoners misbehaving, and looking at how the swap system behaves in the wild. We’ve decided to make a few changes based on how the first patch has landed:
  • The stat boost given for Swapping Ulternate Summoners was over-performing, especially for bruisers and tanks. In a micropatch we made some first pass adjustments, but we want to differentiate the stats you gain from swapping from the stat boost we give to less aggressive ultimates.
  • Swap bonus armor max scaling by level decreased from 35 to 20
  • Swap bonus magic resist max scaling by level decreased from 35 to 20
  • Swap bonus adaptive force max scaling by level decreased from 35 to 20

Bugfixes and QoL Changes

  • Hwei had some issues with Ulternates, so he’s joining the party a bit late. Hwei has been enabled for Ultimate Spellbook!
  • Xerath’s Ulternate now scales properly with AP/AD.
  • Champions dying in multiple layered Mordekaiser Death Realms now leave the Death Realm properly.
  • Certain champions are no longer unable to cast specific abilities after using Aurora Ulternate is fixed.
  • Certain spells are no longer being canceled when cast during certain Ulternates.
  • Fizz spirit no longer faces the wrong direction when casting Fizz Ulternate.
  • Lucian’s Ulternate cooldown now properly reduces with levels 11 and 16.
  • Champions who cast Smolder’s Ulternate are no longer temporarily not rendered (invisible).
  • Reconnecting during certain UI loading times no longer causes a broken Ulternate icon with potentially broken behavior.
  • Fixed multiple VFX and SFX issues with Ulternate spells.
  • Lissandra Ulternate now properly consumes ammo on cast.

Worlds 2024 Clash

Worlds is here! Team formation for the first weekend of Worlds Clash will be open starting on October 14th and the tournaments will be on October 19th and 20th.

Since Worlds Clash is 16-team bracket instead of the usual 8-team bracket, there will be an additional level of rewards based on number of wins/losses in the orbs and capsules:
  • Basic Ticket: 0W, 3L: 3 Win XP Boost, 1 Mystery Icon, 1 Clash Logo
  • Basic Ticket: 1W, 3L: 1 Mystery Emote, 640 Ward Skin, 1 Clash Logo
  • Basic Ticket: 2W, 2L: 640 Ward Skin, 975 Skin Shard,1 Mystery Icon, 1 Mystery Emote, 1 Clash Logo, 1 Basic Ticket
  • Basic Ticket: 3W, 1L: 640 Ward Skin, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Mystery Icon, 1 Mystery Emote, 1 Chibi Icon, 1 Clash Logo, 1 Basic Ticket
  • Basic Ticket: [World's Clash ONLY] 4W: 640 Ward Skin, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Mystery Icon, 1 Mystery Emote, 1 Chibi Icon, 1 Clash Logo, 1 Basic Ticket, Worlds Orb
  • Premium Ticket: 0W, 3L: 1 Basic Ticket, 500 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • Premium Ticket: 1W, 3L: 1 Basic Ticket, 500 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • Premium Ticket: 2W, 2L: 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • Premium Ticket: 3W, 1L: 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard,1 Chibi Icon, 10 Mythic Essence, 1350 Skin, 1 Logo
  • Premium Ticket: [World's Clash ONLY] 4W: 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard,1 Chibi Icon, 10 Mythic Essence, 1350 Skin, 1 Logo, Worlds Orb


  • We fixed a configuration issue that we accidentally granted some extra progress for Split 3 challenges for players. Affected players might see their Split 3 seasonal challenge progress not progressing for a while until they pass the extra progress we granted.
  • Mythic Shop Rotation

    To celebrate Teemo's fresh look, we're adding him into the shop for this rotation! We also did something similar for Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin with his update earlier in the year. He was already on the schedule for 14.20 as well, so we decided to keep him here and give you another shot at picking up the skin.

    Now Available

    • Prestige Broken Covenant Miss Fortune
    • Prestige Soul Fighter Shaco
    • Prestige Valiant Sword Riven
    • Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo
    • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin
    • Prestige Anima Squad Jinx

    Leaving the Mythic Shop

    • Prestige Star Guardian Soraka
    • Prestige High Noon Talon
    • Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett
    • Prestige K/DA Akali
    • Prestige T1 Jayce

    Bugfixes & QoL Changes

    • Fixed a bug that caused Elise’s spiderlings to get executed by attacks and abilities from Epic monsters. Poor lil spiders.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Viego to lose health when possessing a champion if he was holding a biscuit.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Pyke to lose health upon using a biscuit.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Elise’s W to not prioritize targeting enemy champions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Lethal Tempo projectiles to destroy spell shields.
    • Fixed a bug that caused various buff and effects to count towards Spear of Shojin stacks.
    • Fixed a bug that caused spam clicking to queue up items to buy duplicate components.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Ryze’s Q and E to deal damage when breaking a spell shield.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Stattik Shiv to hit all units if the user is Berserked.
    • Fixed a bug that caused bonus damage from Lethal temp to activate multiple times on the primary target of Shyvana’s Q when hitting multiple champions in Dragon form.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Lethal Tempo to not gain stacks when attacking champion clones.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Sion to fully charge his Q upon respawning.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Viego’s W to automatically cast after casting his R while possessed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Yun Tal Wildarrows to not apply the bleed correctly to Akshan’s additional passive auto attack.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Janna’s E cooldown to be lowered by red buff empowered auto attacks.

    Upcoming Skins & Chromas

    The following chromas will be released this patch: