Empyrean Games: Arena Challenge Winners

Announcing the winners of our pan-EMEA content creator challenge!

With the return of Arena last month, we held the Empyrean Games - a dynamic creator-exclusive challenge across the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) region. Over 100 of the region’s top League creators, and their communities, had the chance to win Empyrean skins, Champion statues, plushes, chests and more.

Empyrean Games was the first challenge to be held on FTW (For The Win), a new platform for real-time leaderboards and content creator discovery, allowing players to follow along with ease. 

Without further ado, here are the creators taking home the rewards!

Challenge Winners

Empyrean Games consisted of six distinct objectives with their own leaderboards and rewards, plus one SECRET objective that we’re only just revealing now.

Hextech Heist

EVERY creator taking part in the challenge was able to earn up to 50 Hextech Chests + Keys to give away. All they had to do was earn points by playing Arena and follow some rogue duo comps that we made up.

  • +1pt Finish a game

  • +1pt Finish in Top 4

  • +1pt Play with a Featured Champion Duo (earned only once per Duo)

  • +2pts Win a game


  • 1st Place: Sett Unlocked statue, 6x Empyrean skins + champ

  • 2nd Place: 2x Pins set of choice, 4x Empyrean skins + champ

  • 3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ

Faker Who?

Highest Average KDA, with a minimum of 20 games played. Play smarter, not harder.

  • Rewards

    • 1st Place: Championship Leblanc Unlocked statue, 6x Empyrean skins + champ

    • 2nd Place: Poggles Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ

    • 3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ

So Popular

Highest Number of Games Played with unique human duos. This was all about encouraging creators to team up with as many individual players as possible.


  • 1st Place: Lucian Unlocked statue, 6x Empyrean skins + champ

  • 2nd Place: Poro Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ

  • 3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ

Much Grind

Highest Number of Games Played. Simple, but effective.

  • Rewards

    • 1st Place: Yone Unlocked statue, 6x Empyrean skins + champ

    • 2nd Place: Gromp Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ

    • 3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ

Champion Ocean

Highest Number of Unique Champions Played. With the top three creators all maxing out at 167 champions, highest average KDA was used to determine the winner.


  • 1st Place: Seraphine Unlocked, 6x Empyrean skins + champ

  • 2nd Place: Plush Hat Tibbers, 4x Empyrean skins + champ

  • 3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ

Glorious Evolution

Highest Number of unique Augments Used.  The top five creators all embraced experimentation and used all 146 augments at least once! Highest average KDA was also used for the tie-break.

  • Rewards

    • 1st Place: Caitlyn Unlocked, 6x Empyrean skins + champ

    • 2nd Place: Baron Nashor Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ

    • 3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ

Can’t Keep Me Down

Highest number of Deaths. No judgement here, only prizes.

  • Rewards

    • 1st Place: Viego Unlocked, 6x Empyrean skins + champ

    • 2nd Place: Teemo Standard Plush, 4x Empyrean skins + champ

    • 3rd Place: 2x Empyrean skins + champ

GGWP to all of our challengers! Until next time.