Enter the Arena with EMEA Content Creators!
Arena, League’s newest game mode, is now open for combatants and spectators. Across the EMEA region, we’re marking this moment by inviting partnered creators to form duos and compete in a series of challenges - all to earn prizes for you and their communities.
When: July 21 - July 28
Where: Follow your local League social channels for the latest streaming and creators information, or click here for a handy PDF.
To encourage experimentation, community engagement and, most importantly, fun, creators will be working towards the following challenges:
Arena Champion Comps
Points make prizes! Each participant can earn up to 50x Hextech Chest sets (including Key) to giveaway to their fans:
- 40 points = 10x Hextech Chests
- 80 points = 15x Hextech Chests
- 120 points = 25x Hextech Chests
Points system:
- Participants earn 1 point for every game played (excluding surrenders initiated by participant)
- +1 point if played with a featured Champion pairing
- +1 point if game is won with a featured Champion pairing
- +2 points for first time playing with a featured Champion pairing
Champion Pairs
- AmBUSH : Ivern + Rengar
- Birds Of A Feather: Anivia + Azir
- Bouncing Castle:
- Poppy + Alistar
- Zac + Alistar
- Can’t Touch This: Yasuo + Samira
- Catch Me If You Can: Ezreal + Shaco
- Cavalry's Here: Sejuani + Rell
- Did I Say You Could Move?:
- Amumu + Leona
- Lux + Morgana
- Diving In The Deep: Illaoi + Nautilus
- Eurovision: Sona + Seraphine
- Family Business:
- Darius + Draven
- Garen + Lux
- Kai’Sa + Kassadin
- Katarina + Cassiopeia
- Kayle + Morgana
- Nasus + Renekton
- Vi + Jinx
- Yone + Yasuo
- Frenemies:
- Azir + Xerath
- Draven + Riven
- Ekko + Jinx
- Garen + Sylas
- Shen + Zed
- Thresh + Lucian
- Thresh + Senna
- Get an Anti-Heal: Warwick + Vlad
- Got You Hooked:
- Nautilus + Pyke
- Thresh + Blitzcrank
- Here Kitty Kitty: Rengar + Nidalee
- Hit The Outplay Button: Malzahar + Veigar
- Horsing Around: Hecarim + Lillia
- Zilean + Hecarim
- Zilean + Rammus
- I Cannot See Anything: Graves + Quinn
- It's Freezing Here: Lissandra + Anivia
- I Think I Got Poisoned:
- Singed + Cassiopeia
- Teemo + Twitch
- It’s A Trap:
- Jhin + Nidalee
- Shaco + Caitlyn
- I’m Not Crazy, You Are!: Jinx + Ziggs
- Power Couples:
- Ashe + Tryndamere
- Lucian + Senna
- Vi + Caitlyn
- Xayah + Rakan
- Nom Nom Nom: Cho’Gath + Tahm Kench
- Quick! Get The Bug Spray: Elise + Skarner
- Renekton Plush: Renekton + Annie
- Rolling Thunder: Volibear + Kennen
- Scurrying Around: Teemo + Twitch
- Malzahar + Kassadin
- Malzahar + Cho’Gath
- So Spooky: Nocturne + Fiddlesticks
- Stop Tossing Me Around: Gragas + Urgot
- Sun & Moon: Leona + Diana
- Teemeow: Teemo + Yuumi
- The Wombo Combo:
- Malphite + Orianna
- Wukong + Orianna
- Tower Defense: Zyra + Heimerdinger
- We Are Scaling: Veigar + Nasus
- Who Let The Dogs Out?: Nasus + Naafiri
- You’re Tall, Much Too Tall:
- Lulu + Zac
- Lulu + Cho’Gath
Final Challenges
At the end of the period, select participants will also be awarded grand prizes based on their performance in six categories - with current standings being shared as we go.
- Highest win rate (20 games played minimum)
- Most unique Champions played
- Most games played with different partners
- Highest damage in a single game
- Most time played
- Most hours streamed
Winners of each category will receive 6x new Soul Fighter skins to give away to players as they see fit!
We hope to see you soon in the Arena. GLHF!