Patch 10.14 notes
The June gloom has come and gone, and here we are with sunny skies and 10.14!
This patch, we’re here to teeter those who have been tottering, like Alistar, Kha’Zix, and Sejuani. We’re also adding an extra dash of spice (or more specifically, shadow) to a dashing assassin and shaking things up with a ferocious fighter and her blade.
There’s also been some calibrations to champions who have been consistently turning up on the (pro) scene, like Trundle and Varus, to give their peers more elbow room to take on the stage. As a result, we’re also giving special attention to a bloody beast from the belly of Bilgewater and adding more bang for his buck in the botlane (say that three times fast).
Last but not least, you may have also noticed that we've updated the Patch Highlights, an image we use to summarize all the biggest changes in a patch. Per the goals laid out in our latest Balance Framework Update, we're getting folks more informed and aware of our thinking when it comes to balance so we added more context like a key with roles and skillbands. What better place to add this information to than the image with all the important updates in any given patch. Let us know what you think!
Now go on, run your way through the rest of this patch, out on the Rift, and down your lane! We’ll see ya at the next, uh, rundown.
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Patch Highlights

Q cooldown decreased.
Strengthening this mighty minotaur’s disruption in extended fights by giving him more opportunities to use his fearsome fists.
Q - Pulverize

E cooldown increased.
Ezreal is a bit too safe in lane and in mid and late game skirmishes for the amount of damage he puts out, so we’re reducing his ability to continuously evade attackers. We’re bringing up his cooldown but not drastically so— he still has the potential to get in a second E, but will have to be careful in playing around that vulnerability.
E - Arcane Shift

Base health and movement speed increased. Q damage increased; damage to monsters decreased. E mana restore is now always active; AoE damage tick rate per second increased.
Slinging more death over to the deathsinger by targeting his two main roles. With Jungle Karthus, we’re shifting some of his power against monsters to enemy champions so he feels less farming-focused. This also means the power we’re bringing to Karthus will bring some spirit back to mid lane Karthus by increasing early survivability and increasing his DPS across the board, so that he feels better equipped to lane against his peers. And as a cherry on top, we’re cleaning up E to feel more responsive and intuitive.
Base Stats
Q - Lay Waste
E - Defile

Isolated target bonus damage increased.
We’re sharpening the claws on this bug. He's on the low end of power for Average and Skilled players, and we think a small buff can push him into a balanced spot for elite players as well. Change is good, after all.
Q - Taste Their Fear

Base magic resist growth and armor growth decreased. Q cost decreased and now scales; cooldown decreased early; base damage increased. W bonus movement speed now constant at all ranks. E base damage increased.
Aiming to pull this bloody beast away from the mid lane and boost his role as a support. As a slippery assassin, he was getting too much leeway while diving in and around his enemies. Mid Pyke is also far more capable of soaking up experience than in the bot lane. To curb these advantages, we’re bumping his armor scaling down from the literal best in class to a notch below and pulling back on his swift stalking around the map. These changes should primarily be felt in the mid lane, where Pyke accesses his later W levels much earlier to speed up his roam. In addition, we’re pumping more power into his Q so that he can fish for hooks with less punishment and harpoon it out more in the botlane.
Base Stats
Q - Bone Skewer
W - Ghostwater Dive
E - Phantom Undertow

Passive bonus damage increased.
Due to current meta builds that simply don’t align with Riven’s playstyle, her depth and breadth of play has been suffering, and she’s been feeling a bit… exiled. We’re bringing back her edge by buffing more damage-focused Riven builds (think Essence Reaver, Youmuu’s, and Bloodthirster) over the current tankier meta ones (like Cleaver and Death’s Dance).
Passive - Runic Blade

E base damage increased; Frost cooldown on stunned enemy champions decreased and constant at all levels.
We've kept it cool when looking at Sejuani and Bristle due to their propensity to take over pro play. While we're still hesitant about letting them run amok, we’re letting them chill out and defrost by amping up her damage output.
E - Permafrost

W bonus attack speed decreased early.
This treacherous troll has been on a particularly savage streak as he continues to tear through professional play. We’re reverting the patch 9.6 buff in the hopes that this will ice down his early game clear speed and dueling prowess.
W - Frozen Domain

Q maximum bonus damage ratio now scales. E base damage decreased early.
Along with the Troll King, Varus is also stifling pro play as the go-to blind pick (or first red side ban). Targeting his early poke to make him less effective at bullying his peers out of lane.
Q - Piercing Arrow
E - Hail of Arrows

Base attack speed decreased. W heal now halved when targeting monsters.
This thundering beast has been in a relentless frenzy, specifically in the jungle in the average skill group. Pulling back his power in a way that will balance his clear speed and sustain as he continues to storm through the jungle.
Base Stats
W - Frenzied Maul

R knockup duration decreased.
Wukong is a bit on the stronger side, so we’re toning down some of the AoE disruption he brings to teamfights before he spins out of control.
R - Cyclone

W missile speed increased; cooldown decreased early.
We’re bringing Zed out of the shadows to bring up his higher elo power in an exciting way that gives him higher consistency in his combos and more outplay potential. Yeah, you heard us—with the landscape of the game changing drastically from season 3, we’re reverting his W speed nerf all the way back from patch 3.13 and increasing its accessibility. This should make his combos feel smoother and stronger and open more windows for shuriken shenanigans.
W - Living Shadow

Predator is still weaker than expected, so we’re continuing our fine tuning. Giving it some boosts to help it compete with other keystones.
Summoner Spells

Our changes to Ghost in patch 10.12 ended up being a small nerf with its increased cooldown, so we’re following up with a buff to speedily move it in the right direction.
Conqueror Clash
We're running a special one-weekend Clash tournament July 11-12, with extra prizes for Premium Ticket entries and a streamlined VP reward track. Full details here!
Bugfixes/QoL Changes
- Syndra's Q - Dark Sphere cast at max range now consistently fires in combination with E - Scatter The Weak
- Karthus' E - Defile tooltip now accurately mentions the increased mana cost per second at each level
- Shaco now properly receives assist credit in takedowns where only his clone assisted
- Champions with Approach Velocity will no longer keep their bonus movement speed until their movement-impaired enemy respawns
- Singed's Q - Poison Trail properly turns blue when in colorblind mode
- Diana's E - Lunar Rush cooldown no longer resets when the Moonlight from her Q - Crescent Strike is blocked by spell shields. Her Q - Crescent Strike's Moonlight also no longer applies to champions who've blocked it via a spell shield.
- Yuumi's W - You and Me!'s attach icon no longer disappears on the minimap after the champion she is attached to recalls
- When Volibear casts R - Stormbringer after activating Predator, he no longer becomes immune to all forms of displacement until death
- Jhin will no longer deploy a E - Captive Audience trap instead of a Passive - Whisper fourth shot in certain scenarios
- Neeko's Q - Blooming Burst's cooldown time no longer immediately resets when she disguises herself as Aphelios after
- Approach Velocity now properly triggers with Zoe's E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble
- Approaching and triggering Heimerdinger's turrets from his Q - H-28G Evolution Turret will no longer proc Immolate
- Poros in Howling Abyss will no longer trigger Immolate
- Zyra's, Gnar's, and Yorick's Recommended Items will now include jungle items if the player has Smite equipped
- Displacing minions or jungle monsters as Sett with E - Facebreaker no longer extends their hitboxes
- Triggering Leona's Passive - Sunlight with Nunu & Willump's cleave from Passive - Call of the Freljord no longer causes their passive to be unavailable for the rest of the game
- Shyvana's Q - Twin Bite when she is in dragon form now appropriately does two points of damage to wards and Illaoi's tentacles
- When Yuumi attacks Elder Dragon and then uses W - You and Me! on a camouflaged ally champion, Elder Dragon no longer loses its leash range
- Chilling Smite will now properly grant a Conqueror stack
- Cho'Gath's W - Feral Scream will now properly silence Rift Scuttler
- Sylas will no longer keep Elise's E2 - Rappel until he steals her ultimate again if he dies while casting it
- Gems above Taric's right shoulder no longer disappears after he dies for the first time in a game
- Abilities with damaging auras like Renekton's R - Dominus no longer continue to damage nearby enemies while the champion is in a revive state (like from Guardian Angel)
- Ivern's W - Brushmaker brushes spawned behind thin walls are no longer partially invisible from the enemy's point of view
- When hovering over unleveled abilities, the ability's tooltip now properly informs the player that the ability has not yet been learned ("You have not yet learned this ability!")
- Aphelios' R - Moonlight Vigil's damage now properly matches the ability's tooltip when used with critical strike items
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
The following chromas will be released this patch: