The End of Year Prestige Shop is Open!

The Prestige Shop is open! Check in for a list of stuff you can use your remaining points on.

The end-of-year Prestige shop is open! Here's the list of items on offer in addition to the 2019 Prestige Point skins:

  • PROJECT 2019 Jackpot Bag - 50 PP
    • Contains 3 skin shards of the same tier (750 RP, 975 RP, 1350 RP, or 1820 RP) and 1050 Orange Essence
  • Revel Grab Bag - 50 PP
    • Contains a 520 RP skin shard, 750 RP skin shard, 975 RP skin shard, 1350 RP skin shard, and 1820 RP skin shard
  • Arcade 2019 Jackpot Bag - 50 PP
    • Contains 3 legacy skin shards (one guaranteed 975 RP or higher) and 1520 Orange Essence
  • Prestige Ahri Animated Emote - 25 PP
  • Prestige 2019 Ward Skin - 15 PP
  • Prestige 2019 Icon - 10 PP
  • Golden Trials 2019 Icon - 5 PP
  • Golden Cup Icon (ARCADE 2019) - 5 PP
  • PROJECT: Reckoning Icon - 5 PP
  • Worlds 2019 Prestige Points Icon - 5 PP
  • Hextech Key - 3 PP
  • 30 Orange Essence - 1 PP

2019 Prestige Points expire February 3rd 2020, 13:00 PM PT so use 'em if you got 'em. This is a few days later than the previously-announced January 31 11:59 PM PT date.

Early 2020 Prestige Info

You'll be able to pick up 2020 Prestige Points from Masterwork Chest bundles starting January 15, 2020 with the first event of the year. The 2019 bundles will still be available at that time, but the 2020 versions will have updated visuals to make it clear which year's points you're purchasing. 2020 Prestige Points will expire January 28th 2021, 13:00 PT.

As previously announced, all 2020 Prestige event token skins will be returning at the end of the year for purchase with Prestige points, but won't grant their original event borders OR the gold Prestige point border. We'll be back in January with a list of champions getting Prestige skins in the first half of 2020. Until then, happy blinging!