TL;DW: Champs, Lore & More Dev Update

A short rundown of updates from Riot Brightmoon, Meddler, Poisonpixxi, and Riot Lexical.

Hey everyone, Riot Brightmoon and Meddler here with another TL;DW of today’s Dev Update:


  • The next champion coming to League is our artistic midlaner, Hwei.
  • After Hwei, there will be a new creature champion who is smoldering with power.
  • Further out is a Vastayan solo laner.


  • The Skarner team has an update on his gameplay in the Champion Roadmap.
  • Over time, we’ve introduced inconsistencies in League’s lore—like Hextech and Yorick’s involvement in Sentinels of Light.
  • From today, all new storytelling is part of one shared canon.
  • The process of bringing everything together will take time, but we’re not going back to retcon every champion or story we’ve told. Instead, we’ll weave together inconsistent threads as we touch parts of the League universe.


  • Future cinematics, including the Season Start 2024 cinematic, will be integrated in our storytelling.
  • Skarner’s updated lore is also integrated into our storytelling, and we’ll be making updates over time to champions like him, Seraphine, and Camille.
  • Song of Nunu will be canon, and offer more insight into the Freljord as it officially launches on Nov. 1st.
  • We’ve deliberately moved away from short stories as a medium due to how niche they are—we want to focus more on storytelling through other mediums.
  • Language select is coming out in November and will allow you to choose from the 21 languages we support in the Riot Client.


  • The Blue Essence Emporium is returning in December with the full range of Emporium eligible chromas, mystery icons, mystery wards, mystery gifting, and 50% off rune pages.
  • Quickplay is going to PBE at the end of October and will be rolling out more broadly after.