Patch 14.21 Notes

The (dark) stars are out for Patch 14.21.
Welcome to Patch 14.21, aka “the Swain patch”!

We’ve got a big gameplay update to Swain, aimed at making him more self-reliant and more fun, specifically in solo lanes. Read more about him below!

We’re also updating the bounty rules on Summoner’s Rift and Howling Abyss, aimed at making them activate at more intuitive times and slightly decrease their average payouts. They’ve also got lengthy sections in the patch notes if you want all the details.

On the game balance side of things, we’re tweaking the on-hit space with changes to Blade of the Ruined King and Lethal Tempo, nerfing Sorc Shoes to be more comparable to other boots, and otherwise making a large number of champion changes aimed at tightening overall game balance.

We’ve also got some balance changes for ARAM and Ultimate Spellbook in this patch, and an update on the Worlds Viego Border (we finally got it into the game so you can grab it and it'll be available for a little longer than normal to make up for that delay).

TFT patch notes here!
Caden "Riot Sakaar" House

Patch Highlights

Dark Cosmic Diana, Dark Star Zoe, Dark Star Kai’Sa, Dark Star Sylas, and Dark Star Yorick will be available October 23, 2024 at 18:00:00 UTC.

Champion Bounties

We’ve overhauled the champion bounty system this patch. Our primary goal was to make bounties more intuitive. We still believe in champions gaining a bounty on their head when they’re doing well but the way that was being calculated didn’t always line up with player expectations so we rebuilt the underlying rules of champion bounties.

Bounties are now based purely on gold (don’t worry, Pyke and Gangplank players, we’re ignoring special gold income from champion kits). This focus on gold means that a 0/0/0 Jinx can have a bounty on her head if she’s earned enough from farming. A 0/0/15 Janna will also have a bounty on her head, as she’s earned plenty of money from champion combat. Chain-ganking the top lane Jax will be worth less gold on average, as giving away gold for assists devalues him faster than if he were solo killed. Sion’s 100g death won’t put an extra 100g bounty on the Fiora who’s just trying to protect her turret.

We’ve tuned these new champion bounties to generally decrease the total gold given and to favor the losing team more. Since individual kills and assists won’t undo negative bounties as quickly, losing teams are going to give away less gold from fights, meaning their downside for taking risks will be lower and games will snowball more slowly. While we’ve play tested these new bounties internally for a couple months, we’ll be reading player feedback and reacting quickly if any parts of this new bounty system are mistuned.


  • Champion bounties are now based on gold earned and lost, as opposed to kill/death streaks and the relative amount of farm.
  • Gold from champion-specific sources (e.g. Draven’s Adoration and Twisted Fate’s Loaded Dice) never contribute to champion bounties.
  • Champion bounties are now accrued granularly. For example, it’s now possible to have a bounty of +1 gold.
  • Bounties will not display on the scoreboard until they are worth at least 150 gold and update in further increments of 50 gold.
  • The “Shut Down” announcement will display for any champion killed with at least a 150g bounty on their head.

Positive Bounties

  • A positive bounty is bonus gold given to a champion’s killer when slain (unchanged).
  • Positive bounties are no longer based upon kill streaks.
  • Positive bounties are no longer based upon your minion and monster kills relative to the average minion and monster kills of the enemy team.
  • Champions now accrue 1 bounty gold for every 4 gold earned from kills and assists. Shut Down gold does not increase the killer’s positive bounty.
  • Potential bounty gold is now reduced by 1 for every 4 gold given away to killers and assisters on death.
  • While in a positive state, champions now accrue 1 bounty gold for every 20 gold earned from minions and monsters.
  • When a champion is “Shut Down” all bounty is removed from the champion.
  • As an exception, a champion with a bounty greater than 700 gold will carry over their remaining bounty into their next life.
  • The first 100 bounty gold is not applied. For example, 400g worth of kills and assists will not give you a bounty, but the next 400g will set your bounty to +100g.
  • When active, objective bounties will now devalue positive bounties for the losing team. This modifier starts at a 10% reduction and can reach about an 80% reduction in the most extreme scenarios.

Negative Bounties

  • A negative bounty is a baseline devaluation of a champion’s kill gold. Unlike positive bounties, this reduced value is also factored into assist gold (unchanged).
  • Negative bounties are no longer based upon death streaks.
  • Negative bounties are no longer reset from earning a single kill.
  • Negative bounties no longer “undo” one death per assist.
  • While in a negative state, base gold value is reduced by 1 for every 4 gold given to killers and assisters on death.
  • While in a negative state, base gold value is increased by 1 for every 4 gold earned from kills and assists. Shut Down gold is applied to negative bounties.
  • While in a negative state, base gold value is increased by 1 for every 10 gold earned from minions and monsters.
  • The first 50 negative bounty gold is not applied. For example, a 300g death will set your base kill gold to -25, not -75.

Objective Bounties

In addition to champion bounties, we’re also changing objective bounties in this patch. While the champion bounty changes were large in scope, this update is mostly under-the-hood cleanup aimed at making objective bounties turn on and off at more appropriate times. Void Grubs now contribute, bounty values have been decreased if the losing team is already successfully mounting a comeback, and the relative value of things like drakes, turrets, experience, and gold have been moved around to align more closely with their values.

We expect objective bounties will occur slightly more often than they currently do and apply in more appropriate situations but also pay out a bit less gold on average.
  • Void Grubs now contribute.
  • Experience differences contribute about 40% less.
  • Gold differences contribute about 25% more.
  • Turret and drake differences are slightly more likely to contribute.
  • Objective bounties will deactivate more quickly when the losing team makes a comeback.
  • Objective Bounties are ending soon timer: 60 seconds ⇒ 30 seconds.
  • Objective bounties are decreased by 20-40% in situations where the losing team is already coming back.
  • Baron Nashor base objective bounty: 500g ⇒ 300g.

Teemo VO

With Teemo’s ASU we introduced an entirely new VO catalog for everyone’s favorite little yordle but it was clear that some of those changes didn’t quite hit the mark. Specifically his laugh. While we loved the new laugh, there was a special affinity that players told us they had with it because it's just so iconic and fun to spam. So with Patch 14.21 we’re going to be bringing back his iconic laugh for you to spam and troll away while everyone else curses your existence for picking Teemo again.

Thanks for all the feedback on this one!


Aurelion Sol

Base Health decreased. E damage decreased.

Asol is a bit too strong at the moment and could use being brought down to earth. As a scaler who reaches high heights late game, wanting to push on his early game where he’s supposed to be vulnerable so that players are correctly weak and paying the appropriate cost for the stardust scaling. Meanwhile, Singularity’s nerf is intended to disproportionately affect low MMR games, where he currently performs best.

Base Stats

  • Base Health: 620 ⇒ 600

E - Singularity

  • Magic Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 (+80% AP) ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150 (+60% AP)


Health Regen and AD increased.

Azir is overall a bit weaker than he’s meant to be. This does not mean he’s supposed to have a 50% win rate at all levels of play, as he’s rather difficult and doesn’t have that many mains, but he’s still weak even when measuring highly practiced players. We’re delivering some simple buffs aimed at making his failure cases gentler.

Base Stats

  • Health Regen: 5 ⇒ 7
  • Attack Damage: 52 ⇒ 56


Mana regen reduced. Passive damage decreased. Q mana cost increased.

Brand is performing well in all of his roles, especially as a support where he comfortably skips a mana item despite not utilizing his passive restore. This shows that he doesn't care enough about mana and casts his spells too freely, so we’re targeting that freedom while also reducing some of his damage since he deals a ton of it in all of his roles.

Base Stats

  • Mana Regen: 10.65 ⇒ 9

Passive - Blaze

  • Detonation Damage: 9-13% (based on level) maximum health (+2% per 100 AP) ⇒ 8-12% (based on level) maximum health (+2% per 100 AP)

Q - Sear

  • Mana Cost: 50 ⇒ 70


Base Health reduced. W damage reduced. E damage reduced. R damage reduced.

Camille is currently one of the best-performing top laners in the game and is due for a nerf. We’re taking down her damage and health in order to give more champions a fighting chance but we’d like to specifically preserve her unique anti-tank properties and most impactful abilities when doing so.

Base Stats

  • Base Health: 670 ⇒ 650

W - Tactical Sweep

  • Minimum Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 (+60% bonus AD) ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150 (+60% bonus AD)
  • Outer bonus cone damage unchanged.
  • Clarified in the tooltip that the max health damage has a 300 monster damage cap.

E - Wall Dive

  • Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+90% bonus AD) ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180 (+75% Bonus AD)

R - Hextech Ultimatum

  • Bonus Damage: 5/10/15 (+4/6/8% current HP) ⇒ 4/6/8% of current HP


Passive damage increased. W damage increased. R damage increased.

We were a bit cautious with how much more daring we could make Corki in the last patch but now that we have a firmer grasp on what adding substantial damage to his W does, we’re keen to do it again. Overall we’re hoping to upgrade his damage, specifically in the early game and as he earns gold with an eye to parts of his kit and game times that align more strongly with bot lane.

Passive - Hextech Munitions

  • Bonus True Damage: 15% ⇒ 20%

W - Valkyrie

  • Maximum Damage: 150/225/300/375/450 (+150% bonus AD) (+150% AP) ⇒ 200/275/350/425/500 (+200% Bonus AD) (+150% AP)

R - Missile Barrage

  • Damage: 80/160/240 (+70% bonus AD) ⇒ 90/170/250 (+80% bonus AD)


Armor Growth decreased.

Elise has has quickly risen up the ranks as a top tier jungler, partially driven by magic damage being much more effective. We’re overall happy with her power to assassinate but she’s overall too resilient for how lethal she is.

Base Stats

  • Armor Growth: 5.2 ⇒ 4.5


Q damage deceased.

Fiddlesticks is a bit too strong so we want to pull some power out. We want to preserve its most iconic abilities so we’re targeting Q, since it won’t miss that damage as much.

Q - Terrify

  • Damage: 6/7/8/9/10% (+2% per 100 AP) of target’s current health ⇒ 5/6/7/8/9% (+2% per 100 AP) of target’s current health
  • Amp Damage: 12/14/16/18/20% (+4% per 100 AP) of target’s current health ⇒ 10/12/14/16/18% (+4% per 100 AP) of target’s current health


Mana decreased.

Galio is hard to deal with in lane and only gets more difficult to kill once he purchases Hollow Radiance. We’re nerfing his (almost highest in the game) base mana to increase his early vulnerability by making his casts more costly. This is also intended to make Rod of Ages more of a realistic option for him but we acknowledge it's not a massive swing in that direction.

Base Stats

  • Base Mana: 500 ⇒ 410


Mana regen increased. E recharge time reduced.

Gangplank has slowly been hit by a couple of systems over time and could use some power put back into him. Losing mana from Biscuits, crit system reworks, and his build losing Essence Reaver have had pretty large impacts on his laning phase. Wanting to slightly increase mana regen to compensate for Biscuits being lost and also decrease cooldown of barrels to make pre-13 Gangplank slightly more engaging.

Base Stats

  • Mana Regen: 7.5 ⇒ 8

E - Powder Keg

  • Recharge Time: 18/17/16/15/14 ⇒ 17/16/15/14/13


Passive damage decreased.

Gwen has proven to be exceptionally strong as of late and is due for a meaningful nerf. Her power curve is steeper than we’d like overall, so we don’t want to weaken her early laning phase, we do want to make sure she’s not quite so dominant late. We’d also like to nudge her builds a bit more toward skirmisher (Riftmaker, Cosmic Drive) and less toward burst mage (Shadowflame, Deathcap), which is why we’re targeting AP ratios.

Passive - Thousand Cuts

  • Damage: 1% (+0.72% per 100 AP) of the target’s maximum health ⇒ 1% (+0.6% per 100 AP) of the target’s maximum health


QQ damage decreased. E cooldown increased.

Players have gotten much better at Hwei over the last year, so it’s finally time to nudge him down. We’d like to bring down his early lane poke with QQ flat damage, its scaling into mid and late game, and lastly want to increase the cooldown on his CC, making the decision making on which one you use more important.

QQ - Devastating Fire

  • Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+75% AP) (+3/4/5/6/7% of target’s maximum health) ⇒ 50/80/110/140/170 (+70% AP) (+3/4/5/6/7% of target’s maximum health)

E - Subject Torment

  • Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 ⇒ 13/12.5/12/11.5/11


Q cooldown, mana cost, and bonus to minions reduced. Q Damage increased. Q cooldown reduction during R removed.

Irelia is quite sad currently in both top and mid and overly reliant on waiting for her first item spike, so we’d like to buff her base kit, especially early game. We want to emphasize good ability usage, so these buffs are intended to make using her most important spell more impactful and feel better to use.

Q - Bladesurge

  • Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7 ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6
  • Mana: 20 ⇒ 15
  • Damage: 5/25/45/65/80 (+60% AD) ⇒ 5/25/45/65/80 (+70% AD)
  • Bonus damage to minions: 50-259 (based on level) ⇒ 50-237 (based on level)

R - Vanguard’s Edge

  • Q Cooldown reduction: Removed


Passive damage decreased.

Kai’Sa wound up as one of the big winners from the recent item shakeup and is now a bit too strong. We’re hitting the passive AP ratio slightly and the per-stack plasma damage more meaningfully in order to make her less bound to CC supports and leave crit builds less affected.

Passive - Second Skin

  • Initial Damage: 5-23 (based on level) (+15% AP) ⇒ 4-24 (based on level) (+12% AP)
  • Per-Stack Damage: 1-12 (based on level) (+2.5% AP) ⇒ 1-6 (based on level) (+3% AP)
  • Maximum Damage: 9-71 (based on level) (+25% AP) ⇒ 8-48 (based on level) (+24%)


R damage decreased.

Karthus got stronger when early game snowballing and magic resist were both made weaker and as a now-dominant jungler, it’s time for a nerf. We’re targeting his late game R to make his playing-against experience more fair.

R - Requiem

  • Magic Damage: 200/350/500 (+75% AP) ⇒ 200/350/500 (+70% AP)


Q damage decreased. E damage decreased.

Kassadin was a big winner from our recent reductions to early game snowball and is now too strong, so we're nerfing him. We think his early game is appropriate but that his ratios should continue to go down given AP’s new strength, so we’re targeting his Q and E ratios while preserving damage that requires him to be in melee range.

Q - Null Sphere

  • Magic Damage: 65/95/125/155/185 (+70% AP) ⇒ 65/95/125/155/185 (+60% AP)

E - Force Pulse

  • Magic Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+70% AP) ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180 (+65% AP)


W mana cost reduced.

Kayle could use some help as our late game scaling justice bringer. We’re not trying to make her become a dominant laner but the current cost of her heal makes it almost wrong to even cast. This significant cost reduction should help her earn gold and experience at a normal rate in order to reach her carry potential more reliably.

W - Celestial Blessing

  • Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120/130 ⇒ 70/75/80/85/90


Base health increased.

For being a rather easy champion, Malphite is a bit under where we’d like him to be. Because of this we want to slightly bump him up, increasing his base health as he’s a bit lower than many of his tank counterparts.

Base Stats

  • Base Health: 644 ⇒ 665


Passive life steal reduced. Q damage decreased.

Nasus has been quite strong since patch 14.19’s reduction in gold value, so it’s time for his nerf. His early sustain is quite high considering how well he scales, so we’re targeting his sustain and early damage to give his opponents more of a counterplay window before he stacks up.

Passive - Soul Eater

  • Life Steal: 12/18/24% (based on level) ⇒ 9/15/21% (based on level)

Q - Siphoning Strike

  • Bonus Physical Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 (+ Siphoning Strike stacks) ⇒ 35/55/75/95/115 (+ Siphoning Strike stacks)


Q and R Quality of Life improvements.

We’re delivering some power-positive QoL changes to Nilah this patch, much like last time. The Q timeout and R lockout changes should make her smoother to play with very little power impact, while the instant E-Q is an often-requested feature that we think represents a more significant change and we’ll keep our eyes peeled for any balance follow-up required.

Q - Formless Blade

  • Nilah’s EQ combo missile now deals damage instantly in the area, rather than when the missile hits the enemy
  • Nilah’s auto attack should no longer cancel when her Q buff runs out

R - Apotheosis

  • Nilah’s first auto attack coming out of her ultimate should no longer be slightly delayed


Health Regen increased. W damage increased.

Qiyana’s not performing very well currently. Considering she almost always starts with a Long Sword, she doesn’t have the resilience to successfully lane and then push her advantages. We’re increasing her early sustain to give her more of an edge (of Ixtal) in the early game. We also want to make sure she can keep up in late game damage output, so we’re also bumping a bit of her W ratio.

Base Stats

  • Health Regen: 6 ⇒ 8

W - Terrashape

  • Damage: 8/16/24/32/40 (+10% Bonus AD) (+45% AP) ⇒ 8/16/24/32/40 (+20% Bonus AD) (+45% AP)


Armor and Armor Growth reduced.

Senna is currently the queen of support picks and needs to be taken down a peg in order to give everyone else some breathing room. We're targeting her armor to give physical burst damage the niche they deserve for swiftly removing long-range backliners.

Base Stats

  • Armor: 28 ⇒ 25
  • Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4


Base AD increased. Q damage increased.

Sivir has languished as generically a bit weak, which we’re hoping to rectify by giving her more control over her early and mid game. For those who don’t want to do the math, these Q changes represent a buff for levels 1-12 and a slight nerf afterwards.

Base Stats

  • Attack Damage: 58 ⇒ 60

Q - Boomerang Blade

  • Damage: 15/30/45/60/75 (+80/85/90/95/100% total AD) (+60% AP) ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160 (+100% bonus AD) (+60% AP)


We changed a lot. You should probably read this one.

It’s demon time! Swain is receiving a sweeping update aimed at making him much more consistent and giving him more personal agency over his successes and failures. He’s receiving this increase in personal agency largely through significant buffs to Nevermove’s accuracy and an overall shift in power from his ultimate toward his base kit.

Death’s Hand will be doing about 10% more damage at long range and have a lower mana cost to make those ranged trades better. These buffs are being compensated with a small decrease to his melee range damage output, meaning Swain won’t be so strongly defined by his best and worst matchups.

Vision of Empire is being compressed to not require skill rank-ups as strongly as before, primarily through front-loading the slow and reveal duration. It’s meant to still be a competitive option to max second, but should leave room for Nevermove’s increased importance.

Nevermove’s changes are the most important in this patch. Its acceleration has been re-implemented with more modern missile tech, removing randomness from its travel time. Its return is now more consistent and substantially faster, providing Swain much better access to crowd control. Its damage is also being shifted entirely into the explosion, which should make it better at damaging enemy champions. This increase in expected output per cast has necessitated nerfing its cooldown and his passive healing to compensate.

Demonic Ascension is meant to represent less of Swain’s overall power, allowing Swain to rely more on his stronger basic abilities. The chief nerf here is to cooldown. Though it now scales plainly with ability haste, the overall cooldown is substantially longer and the healing and damage are generally weaker. But for the Swains who are strong enough to take over games, they’re getting multiple Demonflares per ultimate! He’s not meant to access these extra casts every time he transforms, but when Swain starts really carrying, that’ll come with some extra spice.

Our hope with these changes is that Swain feels like a much more well-rounded and fulfilling champion to play, a centerpiece battlemage who can wear down his opposition, sustain himself from his success, and still strategically aid his teammates across the map.

Base Stats

  • Health Regen: 7 (+0.65) ⇒ 3 (+0.5)
  • Mana: 468 ⇒ 400
  • Mana Regen: 8 ⇒ 10

Passive - Ravenous Flock

  • Healing: 3/4/5/6% Max HP (level 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 3-6% Max HP (linear)

Q - Death’s Hand

  • Mana Cost: 45/50/55/60/65 ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60
  • One Bolt Damage: 65/85/105/125/145 (+40% AP) ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160 (+45% AP)
  • Extra Bolt Damage: 15/25/35/45/55 (+10% AP) ⇒ 25% of initial hit
  • Maximum Damage: 125/185/245/305/365 (+80% AP) ⇒ 120/170/220/270/320 (+90% AP)

W- Vision of Empire

  • Damage: 80/115/150/185/220 (+55% AP) ⇒ 70/105/140/175/210 (+60% AP)
  • Slow Duration: 2.5 ⇒ 1.5
  • Slow: 25/35/45/55/65% ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70%
  • Reveal Duration: 4/5/6/7/8 ⇒ 6

E - Nevermore

  • Cooldown: 10 ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10
  • Mana: 50 ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80
  • Outgoing Missile Speed: 935-2735 ⇒ 1125-1800
  • Outgoing Missile Travel Time: 0.533 - 0.667 ⇒ 0.6
  • Return Missile Speed: 600-2200 ⇒ 2000-2800
  • Return Missile Speed Travel Time: 0.533 - 0.667 ⇒ 0.4
  • Return Missile Width: 170 ⇒ 180
  • Maximum Damage: 70/115/160/205/250 (+50% AP) ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% AP)
  • Pass Through Damage: Removed
  • Detonation Damage: 35/45/55/65/75 (+25% AP) ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% AP)
  • No longer displays root particles on targets killed by the explosion

R - Demonic Ascension

  • Demonflare may be repeatedly cast every 8 seconds, unaffected by ability haste, up to 100 times (good luck). First cast is still available after 2 seconds.
  • Cooldown: 100/80/60 after transform ends ⇒ 120, when transform begins
  • Demonflare Damage: 150/225/300 (+60% AP) ⇒ 150/250/350 (+50% AP)
  • Demonflare Decaying Slow: 60% ⇒ 75%
  • Damage per Second: 20/40/60 (+10% AP) ⇒ 15/25/35 (+5% AP)
  • Heal per Second: 15/27.5/40 (+18% AP) ⇒ 15/30/45 (+5% AP) (+1.25% Bonus HP)
  • E Cooldown Reduction: Removed


W damage increased.

Talon doesn’t have quite enough damage to ply his trade in mid lane, so we’re bumping his damage to give him more assassination possibilities.

W - Rake

  • Return Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+80% Bonus AD) ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180 (+90% Bonus AD)


W bonus armor decreased.

Taric has been one of the statistically strongest supports for a while despite not feeling like he’s winning the game for his team. He started performing even better this split, so it’s finally time for a nerf. We’re hoping to hit his most invisible sources of power so he won’t feel much different but should win a more appropriate number of games.

W - Bastion

  • Taric’s Armor as Bonus Armor: 9/10/11/12/13% ⇒ 6/7/8/9/10%


Base Health increased. W movement speed increased.

Everyone’s favorite (or least favorite) little devil is deserving of a little bit more power. Damage doesn’t seem to be his problem, so we’re increasing W’s move speed and some health for maximum scamp-embracing shenanigans. Run you little devil, run.

Base Stats

  • Base Health: 598 ⇒ 615

W - Move Quick

  • Bonus Movement Speed: 10/14/18/22/26% ⇒ 12/16/20/24/28%
  • Active Bonus Movement Speed: 20/28/36/44/52% ⇒ 24/32/40/48/56%


Armor Growth decreased.

Viego is performing a bit too well so we're nerfing him. He's particularly strong in lower MMR when accounting for mastery, so we’re lowering his late game armor, which he currently has plenty of.

Base Stats

  • Armor Growth: 5.2 ⇒ 4.6


E cooldown increased.

Volibear has been strong for a while and we're finally nerfing him. His Rod of Ages + Navori build is really interesting and unique, but his cooldowns aren't tuned around this newfound CDR access. We’re targeting his E as the frequent shielding and max health damage make him quite hard to deal with.

E - Sky Splitter

  • Cooldown: 12 ⇒ 14


W damage increased.

Xayah is just a touch weak right now, so we’re bringing her up her ability to apply sustained damage.

W - Deadly Plumage

  • Bonus Strike Damage: 20% ⇒ 25%


W damage decreased.

Yone is a touch too powerful right now and his combat lacks a bit of counterplay. He’s receiving a simultaneous nerf via Blade of the Ruined King and a smaller buff via Lethal Tempo. With those in mind, we think a tap to his more guaranteed damage should put his power level where it’s appropriate and make him more reliant on sustained melee combat.

W - Spirit Cleave

  • Total Damage: 10/20/30/40/50 (+11/12/13/14/15% max HP) ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50 (+10/11/12/13/14% max HP)


Pet damage decreased.

Yorick is especially dominant in lower MMR play. It’d be nice if he wasn’t so reliant on his opponents failing to realize they can one-shot my ghouls with any basic attack, so we’re pulling back some Mist Walker damage to make him less reliant on their unreliable damage output.

Passive - Shepherd of Souls

  • Mist Walker AD: 2-88 (based on level) (+25% Yorick Total AD) ⇒ 4-90 (based on level) (+20% Yorick Total AD)


Sorcerer’s Shoes

Sorcerer's Shoes were untouched in 14.19 and are currently a bit too strong, so we're taking away some of its magic penetration to put it into a more reasonable place.
  • Magic Penetration: 15 ⇒ 12

Blade of the Ruined King

We’re happy with the relative tuning of most AD items, but Blade of the Ruined King is currently dominating the on-hit space, taking over builds where it shouldn’t be, and generally making tanks feel bad way too quickly. While it’s fine that BoRK is clearly an anti-tank item, it does the job too well, so we’re specifically taking down some of its on-hit damage.
  • Mist’s Edge: 10% (melee) /6% (ranged) of the target’s current HP ⇒ 8% (melee) / 5% (ranged) of the target’s current HP


Recommended Runes

Twisted Fate

  • Electrocute + Inspiration ⇒ Comet + Inspiration


  • Fleet Footwork ⇒ Conqueror


  • Conqueror rune page updated
  • First Strike + Domination ⇒ Fleet Footwork + Domination
  • Electrocute + Inspiration ⇒ Electrocute + Precision

Lethal Tempo

We believe Lethal Tempo is slightly underpowered on melee champions so we're buffing its melee attack speed.
  • Melee Attack Speed per Stack: 5% ⇒ 6%


Hello ARAMers, we have light changes for this patch.

Nerfs: We over-buffed Nilah in the last patch, especially considering her stat changes in Summoner's Rift, so we are pulling her power down a bit.

Buffs: Two champions who have been underperforming in team fights are getting some love. While we understand Warmog Soraka is still strong in the late game, we want to give her a bit more durability in the early game to improve her overall balance.

Item Changes: Kraken Slayer has been underused compared to other ADC items, largely due to the range modifier. To give ADCs another viable choice in ARAM, we’re making adjustments to this item.

Thank you for playing, and we look forward to seeing you on the Bridge of Progress!


  • Soraka: Damage Taken: 100% ⇒ 97%
  • Ivern: Damage Dealt: 90% ⇒ 95%


  • Nilah: Damage Dealt: 100% ⇒ 97%
  • Xerath: Damage Dealt: 95% ⇒ 93%


  • Kraken Slayer: Range modifier: 80% 90%

Ultimate Spellbook

We have been monitoring the state of balance in Ultimate Spellbook, and have made some changes to over and underperforming heroes. We’ve also made some further adjustments to the bonus stats for Swapping Alternate Summoners, and have continued to squash bugs.

Balance Adjustments

  • Ryze: R Bonus Ability Haste: 35 ⇒ 45
  • Xayah: R Ratio Multiplier: .8 ⇒ .9
  • Kindred: R Bonus Ability Haste: 35 ⇒ 45
  • Vel’Koz: R Bonus Ability Haste: 35 ⇒ 45
  • Renata: R Bonus Ability Haste: 35 ⇒ 45


  • Akali: +10% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken
  • Smolder: +5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken


  • Briar: -10% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken, -5% Healing
  • Master Yi: +5% Damage Taken ⇒ -10% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
  • Volibear: -5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken, -5% Healing

Bugfixes & QoL Changes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Aphelios’s Q (Moonshot) to fire backwards after casting Q (Blinding Eclipse).
  • Fixed an issue where when casting Elise’s E while the cursor was out of the cocoon range would cause her to move into range before firing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a few targeted abilities to be unable to select minions.
  • Fixed an issue where component purchases for an item other than what was queued would cause you to make an inaccurate purchase.
  • Fixed some formatting issues with Statikk Shiv’s tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Bramble Vest/Thornmail “damage to champion” counter to display pre-mitigation values.
  • Fixed an issue where if multiple players with Axiom Arc attack and kill the same target simultaneously, only the player who caused the kill would get the R cooldown reduction.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Press the Attack to track outdated stats.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Yorick’s E VO to not play.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Trundle’s VO to play unlocalized versions.
  • Fixed an issue where auto attacking with red buff would be considered an ability for Spear of Shojin.
  • Fixed an issue where Naafiri’s W would cause a 99% slow if used with Stridebreaker.
  • Fixed an issue where Ryze was unable to trigger the Hypershot effect on Horizon Focus.
  • Fixed an issue where Kai’Sa’s voicelines would sometimes not trigger or be out of sync.
  • Fixed an issue where Moonstone’s shield would not expire when applied by K’Sante’s E.

Upcoming Skins & Chromas

Worlds 2024 Viego Splash Border

The Worlds 2024 Viego Border will also be available starting in this patch! He was previously delayed in the 14.19 notes due an issue that prevented it from being ready in time. It’ll be available in the Token Shop until 14.22 and deactivate on 11/18. After which it will be available for RP from 14.22 until 14.24 due to the delay.

The following skins will be released in this patch:

The following chromas will be released this patch: