Aphelios Kit Primer
Most champions can be summarized relatively quickly, but Aphelios isn't most champions. Learning to wield the Weapon of the Faithful demands discipline, focus, and mental acuity, so consider this primer your first test of faith along the path to mastering a champion with one of the highest skill ceilings in the game. (But really, this page has a ton of info to process. Read it a couple times, probably.)
We're going to start with the overall structure of Aphelios' kit, then get into what each of his weapons does.
How the kit works
Guns, basic attacks & ammo

Aphelios cycles through five weapons, each with its own basic attack. He attacks with his main-hand weapon, but always carries an off-hand weapon he can swap to with W.

Aphelios can't pick and choose which two weapons he equips at any given time. His weapons have 50 ammo ("Moonlight") each, and when a weapon runs empty you get the next one in line. Empty weapons go to the end of the line to recharge.

Since Aphelios can swap between his main-hand and off-hand, weapon order changes throughout the game based on which weapons you use first.
Aphelios only has three buttons: Q, W, and R. W swaps between his main- and off-hand weapons, leaving him with two actual abilities. Kind of.
Each of Aphelios' five weapons has its own Q ability when equipped as his main-hand weapon. Each Q applies bonus attacks and effects based on his off-hand weapon. All five Qs cost mana and ammo, and each has its own cooldown (you can Q, switch guns, then immediately use the other Q). Aphelios automatically learns Q at level 2 and it slowly becomes stronger over the course of the game. We'll get to what each Q does in the weapon sections below.
Aphelios' ultimate, Moonlight Vigil, sends forward a moon bomb that explodes on the first enemy hit, damaging nearby enemies. Then, Aphelios follows up with enhanced basic attacks from his main-hand weapon against all enemies caught in the explosion. He automatically learns R at level 6, and it automatically levels up at levels 11 and 16.
Since Aphelios automatically learns his Q and R, he puts his 18 level-up points into stats rather than abilities:
- Attack Damage
- Attack Speed
- Bonus Armor Penetration
Calibrum, the Rifle

Severum, the Scythe Pistol

Gravitum, the Cannon

Infernum, the Flamethrower

Crescendum, the Chakram

Custom HUD
All the stuff above is a lot to take in, and a lot to track. Aphelios has a unique HUD to ease this burden.

- Passive, explaining Aphelios' weapons and level ups. The tooltip is as long as this article.
- Aphelios' main-hand weapon and its remaining ammo.
- Q.
- Aphelios' off-hand weapon and its remaining ammo. If its Q is on cooldown, the icon will also indicate remaining cooldown.
- The next weapon you'll get once one of your weapons runs out of ammo.
- R.
Additionally, if your main-hand gun has 10 or less ammo remaining, an ammo tracker will appear on the right side of your screen so you can track your remaining shots.
The Weapon of the Faithful
Mastering Aphelios' moonstone arsenal may prove to be one of the most daunting challenges in all of League. Are you devoted enough for the task? Ready yourself, the Weapon of the Faithful arrives during patch 9.24.