Patch 10.17 notes

Small balance changes, including our baby girl.

Weā€™re back from the break, weā€™re blistering in this heat, and weā€™re bringing a brief B-side patch!

This is more of a glorified mid-patch update rather than a full patch, meaning most of the adjustments here are simple balance tweaks, and there arenā€™t any released skins or new content this time around. Thereā€™s also no download required, and changes will be live within a few hours of these notes going live, if youā€™re reading this hot off the presses (if so, hooray, settle in)!

And thatā€™s all weā€™ve got! Slap on a Pool Party skin or roll around with some Poros today. Weā€™ll see ya next patch.

Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!
Hanna ā€œshio shoujoā€ Woo Tricia "mom cat" Tan

Patch Highlights



R Bonus damage ratio increased later.

Aatrox is on the fringes of pro play, hanging on for dear life. Since heā€™s restrained in that MMR, he has room for us to push him into a much better state for all players.

R - World Ender

BONUS DAMAGE RATIO 0.2/0.25/0.3 attack damage ā‡’ 0.2/0.3/0.4 attack damage


Base movement speed decreased.

Caitlyn's 10.15 buffs put her in a bit too domineering of a place for both professional and regular play.

Pulling back on her MS to bring her back in line, though we expect her to remain a strong pick.

Base Stats

MOVEMENT SPEED 330 ā‡’ 325


Q dart and spike base damage decreased.

Our changes last patch gave her a lot of new power in the jungle, so weā€™re reeling back some of the damage that we gave her earlier in 10.8.

Q - Hate Spike

DART BASE DAMAGE 30/35/40/45/50 ā‡’ 25/30/35/40/45
SPIKE BASE DAMAGE 30/35/40/45/50 ā‡’ 25/30/35/40/45


Base armor increased.

Gragas has been getting thrown around by the jungle, so weā€™re hoping this change lets him slam right back. With more defense, it should also help out his early game exchanges in the top lane.

Base Stats

ARMOR 35 ā‡’ 38


E bonus movement speed maximum reduced.

Trotting back some of the changes from 10.16, which overshot our expectations, especially with Hecarim players picking up on his synergy with Phase Rush.

E - Devastating Charge

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 25-100% (over the first 3 seconds, with fourth second at maximum value) ā‡’ 25-85% (over the first 3 seconds, with fourth second at maximum value)


Base AD growth increased. E bonus AS increased later.

Kaiā€™Sa is struggling at all levels of play. Giving her a little bit of a supercharge to help her reach her late game potential.

Base Stats


E - Supercharge

BONUS ATTACK SPEED 40/45/50/55/60% ā‡’ 40/50/60/70/80%


W shield decreased; mana cost no longer static and increased; fixed a bug where W would apply three times.

Lux support, especially with an early shield max, has gained a lot of traction as of late. To curb the oppressive playstyle of just spamming her shield in lane, weā€™re targeting its power when maxed first, while avoiding hurting her more damage-oriented builds. Also, bugfix for a shieldfix!

W - Prismatic Barrier

SHIELD 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.3 ability power) ā‡’ 45/65/85/105/125 (+0.35 ability power)
COST 60 mana ā‡’ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
TRIPLE SHIELD BUGFIX Fixed a bug that caused Prismatic Barrierā€™s effect to apply three times at the edge of its cast


W bonus AD ratio decreased. E base damage decreased later.

Qiyana has been riding a high wave in elite play, and although weā€™ve been able to avoid nerfing her due to her lack of presence in pro, the tideā€™s turned this time.

W - Terrashape

BONUS DAMAGE RATIO 0.2 attack damage ā‡’ 0.1 attack damage

E - Audacity

BASE DAMAGE 60/95/130/165/200 ā‡’ 60/90/120/140/180


Base health and mana decreased. Q damage ratio decreased. W heal ratio decreased. E self and aura bonus movement speed decreased.

Sonaā€™s power has reached a crescendo as a support and bot lane carry across skilled, elite, and average levels of play. We canā€™t keep babying our baby girl any longerā€”weā€™re toning down her power by bringing down her scaling.

Base Stats

HEALTH 482.36 ā‡’ 480
MANA 340.6 ā‡’ 340

Q - Hymn of Valor

DAMAGE RATIO 0.5 ability power ā‡’ 0.4 ability power

W - Aria of Perseverance

HEAL RATIO 0.25 ability power ā‡’ 0.2 ability power

E - Song of Celerity

SELF BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 20% (+0.03 per 100 ability power) ā‡’ 20% (+0.02 per 100 ability power)
AURA BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 10/11/12/13/14% (+0.03 per 100 ability power) ā‡’ 10/11/12/13/14% (+0.02 per 100 ability power)


Base AS growth increased.

Our last wave of changes in 10.14 knocked Varus completely out of the meta. Heā€™s in a weak spot at all levels of play, so weā€™re cautiously giving him a helping hand.

Base Stats



Base AD growth increased.

Xayah has been struggling to keep up with her counterparts, so weā€™re fluffing up her feathers and giving her a little more swish as the game progresses.

Base Stats



Q base damage decreased later. R no longer applies life steal.

While not currently overpowered, we expect Yone isnā€™t long-term balanced and will continue to grow from where he isā€”and where he is the strongest.

Q - Mortal Steel

BASE DAMAGE 20/45/70/95/120 ā‡’ 20/40/60/80/100

R - Fate Sealed

LIFE STEAL BUGFIX No longer applies life steal at 100% effectiveness