Patch 10.3 notes
Hi friends!
These patch notes are very big. Look at all our bugfixes. Look at Prestige Edition Senna. Look at the Akali work. Look at what they did to my girl. Look at the buffs to jungle! And maybe even most importantly, we got some amazing VFX updates this patch for some of our oldest and most beloved champions.
Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!

Patch Highlights
Mid-Patch Updates
2/6/2020 Akali, Yuumi Balance Changes and Galio, Lucian Bugfixes

Q cost increased. W shroud movement speed increased and now decays. R now targets champions, not direction.
As promised, we've done some major work on Akali that's going live this patch. These changes are the result of her presence in pro play and aim to trim power there more than for every day players. With that in mind, one of the biggest issues we wanted to tackle was the sheer number of options she had when approaching fights or surviving bad situations. She was way too flexible, being able to split push and teamfight, while also not being committed to a specific playstyle (early domination, scaling, etc.).
Q - Five Point Strike
W - Twilight Shroud
R - Perfect Execution

Q marked enemy attack range no longer infinite.
Giving Aphelios some limitations so he's not shooting enemies all the way to the moon.
Q - Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle

Base mana increased. R number of soldiers increased.
The emperor has seen better days but has the risk of power-tripping, so we're cautiously buffing him.
Base Stats
R - Emperor's Divide

W damage per second ratio increased; burn duration increased; now slows.
We want Corki's Special Delivery to be used more aggressively towards enemies, so we're helping incentivize that action.
W - Special Delivery

Base mana decreased. W damage per orb decreased.
Mercury's in retrograde and that means nerfs to Diana.
Base Stats
W - Pale Cascade

Passive monster stack damage decreased.
Specifically hitting jungle Ekko. Spoiler alert, we also have some jungle changes that'll give back some XP to junglers earlier in the game.
Passive - Z-Drive Resonance

Base mana growth and AS growth increased.
MF outdated. Aphelios overrated. Long have you waited. No longer jebaited.
Base Stats

Q tornado duration and damage ticks increased.
Aiming to help out Galio players in normal skilled games who get more from the tornado element of his Q.
Q - Winds of War

W and E damage decreased.
Leona's damage is eclipsing her opponents' HP bars too much.
W - Eclipse
E - Zenith Blade

Miss Fortune
Base attack speed growth decreased.
Miss Fortune is doing well in all skill brackets, so we’re hitting her base stats instead of abilities that certain players utilize better than others.
Base Stats

Base stats rounded. W bonus movement speed and shield decreased.
Cleaning up some stats to nice, clean whole numbers and pulling power out of his W defenses so he's not such a terror in the mid lane.
Base Stats
W - Scrap Shield

Now has bonus AS at level 1. Frost Armor now removed when damaged from all monsters and champions.
Cautiously buffing Sejuani. We're also removing some elements to her passive that feel unintuitive for most players and aren't capitalized on. If we proactively remove it now, we'll have more room to buff her in the future since pro players won't exploit the safety it brings.
Base Stats
Passive - Fury of the North

Mist Wraith drop chance adjusted. Spoils of War now counts as kills, reducing drop Mist Wraith drop chance. E bugfix.
While we love Senna's flexibility as both a marksman and support, she's a little too strong as the former. We're adjusting the Mist Wraith drop chances to support her role as a support (say that 5 times fast).
Passive - Absolution
E - Curse of the Black Mist

Base health regen decreased. W cooldown increased; base damage decreased later.
Sett's been breaking some faces with ease. While stylish, he's not really getting put to the test. We're gonna give him the ol' 1-2 of nerfs, with a focus on making his Haymaker a challenge to get multiple rotations in a fight.
Base Stats
W - Haymaker

E self movement speed decreased.
Nobody puts baby girl in the corner…
Actual context: Sona's new kicks have been showing off all over town. Pulling back a bit since she's slightly too fly. Unzoom zoom.
E - Song of Celerity

Q empowered damage decreased and now considers target's health; cost now flat. W no longer goes on cooldown from Silences. E base heal decreased, but ratio increased.
No longer just a healbot (cats can't be trained to heel anyways). Her Q should be more worthwhile to cast even in the mid-late game.
Q - Prowling Projectile
W - You and Me!
E - Zoomies
Jungle Monsters
After the 2019 preseason jungle changes, we nerfed junglers through their EXP gain (they’re gaining around 40 EXP less per minute). As a result, we’re giving back around half the EXP we took out and pushing that into the jungler’s item specifically, so laners can’t co-opt it. Additionally, we’re making sure Krugs feel more worthwhile to kill, while still requiring the intended time for the reward trade-off. Finally, we are looking to address “the funnel strategy” by tightening the minion gold restriction further.
UNIQUE - Monster Hunter
Red Brambleback and Blue Sentinel
Monster EXP Level Scaling
VFX and SFX Updates



ARAM Balance Changes
10.3 Nerfs
10.3 Buffs
- Minimized Nightbringer Lee Sin Prestige Edition's model's neck stretching during several animations (Idle1, Idle2, and Run)
- Ornn's upgraded Might of the Ruined King's passive no longer stacks with Blade of the Ruined King's passive
- Jayce's R - Mercury Cannon/Mercury Hammer's cooldown now properly reduces by 10% when he has the Cloud Drake buff
- Infernal Soul's VFX and SFX are no longer seen through Fog of War by the enemy team
- Braum's Passive - Concussive Blows's stun duration now properly reduces by Tenacity
- If Sett has no points in W - Haymaker, Illaoi's E - Test of Spirit will now properly extrude his vessel
- PROJECT: Jinx's SFX are no longer louder than her other skins' SFX
- Sett's R - The Show Stopper is no longer able to suppress Mordekaiser as he casts R - Realm of Death
- Guardian of the Sands Rengar's Passive - Unseen Predator and R - The Thrill of the Hunt's range indicators no longer pulsate in a way that makes their sizes change intermittently
- Yuumi no longer gets stuck in her ally Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death when she casts W - You and Me! towards him as he is reviving via Zilean's R - Chronoshift
- Lux's E - Lucent Singularity now reveals brush inside it's damage and slow zone
- Champions may no longer proc Grasp of Undying from Prototype: Omnistone several times in one rotation
- Katarina's Passive - Sinister Steel daggers no longer gain 2 stacks of Conqueror per target hit; now properly gains 2 stacks per cast
- Katarina no longer attempts to basic attack her last target after E - Shunpo, unless they're already in attack range
- Garen's Q - Decisive Strike no longer cancels mid-attack when the target teleports far away
- A blind spot close to the northern wall near the entrance to red side's bottom jungle has been resolved so that traps, pets, champions, etc. are visible to players in the river
- Champions' on-hit abilities now properly build up energy stacks from items and Runes with the UNIQUE Passive - Energized ability
- Champions with double attacks now properly gain the amount of UNIQUE: Passive - Energized stacks they should be receiving for two attacks
- Dead champions will no longer draw turret aggression
- Champions blinded by Teemo's Q - Blinding Dart now properly cannot apply critical or empowered damage to their opponents
- Mordekaiser's Passive - Darkness Rise now properly deals damage to enemies only when the ability is active
- Baron Nashor no longer damages or grants visions around himself for players behind his pit that do not originally have vision on him
- Destroying a turret or turret plate with Rift Herald now grants players the right amount of gold even when they're farther away from the turret
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
The following chromas will be released this patch: