Patch 11.23 notes
BOOM, baby! Preseason 2022 is here, and it's BIG!
Patch 11.23 brings sweeping changes to the Rift (literally and figuratively) with the new Chemtech & Hextech Drakes, 6 new items, 24 item updates, 3 changes to runes, and Objective Bounties! Ultimate Spellbook is also back with dozens of new Ult-ernates and a special treat for junglers.
We're also diving deeper Into the Arcane this week. Continue exploring the story behind Jinx & Vi with new events, thematic updates in-game, secret Council Archives, and interactive content online!
Preseason is our very own kind of Progress Days on the Rift. There are tons of experiments and discoveries to make—innovate your heart out!
Speaking of innovation, TFT's first balance patch of Gizmos & Gadgets is here. Read all about the change at the TFT patch notes here!

Mid-Patch Updates
11/23/2021 Objective Bounties
The Objective Bounties system currently overvalues Dragons and Dragon Souls when determining leads, so we're adjusting their values accordingly. Additionally, damaging an objective with an active Objective Bounty will no longer reset the 15 second deactivation timer.
11/19/2021 Ultimate Spellbook & Evelynn Bugfix
Ult-ernate Summoner Spells
Ultimate Spellbook Champion Buffs
Ultimate Spellbook Champion Nerfs
11/18/2021 Objective Bounties & Bugfixes
Objective Bounties
We’re making it harder for Objective Bounties to come online. Losing teams will have to be even further behind for Objective Bounties to activate. Objective Bounties will also fall off faster once the losing team starts to catch up.
Hextech Drake
11/17/2021 Lulu & Caitlyn Bugfixes
Patch Highlights
Into the Arcane
Every legend has a beginning, and we hope you're enjoying Arcane's. But there's even more to the lore than just the show! Check out all the Arcane-inspired League of Legends content below and in Into the Arcane.
- The Council Archives: Can't get enough of Arcane? Well, don't worry, because there's more! Dig into Jayce and Vi's backstories by checking around the Council Archives in the League client to learn more about the characters.
- Ultimate Spellbook: IT'S BACK! The return of this summer's popular rotating game mode is back with brand new Ult-ernate spells galore, many of which belong to the characters of Arcane. Check out the Ultimate Spellbook section for more details.
- League of Legends Avatar Creator: So maybe it's not enough to know Arcane—maybe you want to be Arcane. You're in luck: The League of Legends Avatar Creator is now up and running! Head over to the client or on the web to create your avatar to customize, save, and share.
- Summoner's Rift Accents: Arcane has taken over Summoner's Rift and Howling Abyss! Minions and turrets alike have gotten a makeover for RiotX Arcane. Maybe you’ve also noticed new Arcane-themed loading screens, quotes, and in-game music. These accents will last until December 9, 2021.
- Caitlyn ASU: Caitlyn's also getting a major visual update this patch along with small upgrades for Jayce and Jinx, too. Talk about progress, huh? More details on that way, way below.
Objective Bounties
Objective Bounties are another way for losing teams to get back into the game, in addition to Champion Bounties. They grant extra gold rewards for taking objectives when a team is far behind, and are designed to be hard to claim—but not impossible! We still want the winning team's leads to matter, so losing teams will have to capture multiple objectives in order to cash out, because a single bounty won't pay out very much. We hope that Objective Bounties will allow you to execute big brain strats to equalize the game, rather than having to wait around to capitalize on your opponent's mistakes.
Objective Bounties activate only when a team is sufficiently behind and objectives that'll pay out bounties are highlighted on the minimap for both teams. If the losing team takes an objective with an active bounty, each of its members will receive Objective Bounty gold.
Objective Bounties are calculated in the background based on four factors: XP lead, Gold lead, Dragon lead, and Turret lead. When they activate, each objective available to the team that's behind gains a bounty. Bounties start at the following, split evenly amongst all five team members.
As the losing team falls farther behind, these base amounts can increase up to an additional 60%. The exact bounty for each reward will be visible under the losing team's objective icons in the tab-menu.
Objective Bounties activate 15 seconds after a team falls below the threshold and deactivate 15 seconds after they rise above it. This deactivation timer extends if the losing team remains in combat with an objective that has an active bounty.
Jungle Changes
We're introducing two new dragons to Summoner's Rift, complete with new buffs, souls, and terrain effects. The selection rate of Chemtech Rift and Hextech Rift terrains will be temporarily doubled during patch 11.23 only so you can try out the new map changes and dragon souls more frequently during preseason.

Chemtech Drake
Chemtech Drake is all about playing on the edge, taking calculated risks, and fighting for every scrap. The Chemtech Dragon Soul encourages you to go big or go home, and trade your life for high value plays.

Hextech Drake
Hextech Drake is all about controlling the map, flanking your foes, and trapping the enemy team for a wombo combo. The Hextech Dragon Soul grants a unique lightning that slows down enemies, allowing you to control teamfights and chase down stragglers.

Cloud Drake
The Cloud Drake buff wasn’t getting much love this year, despite being very powerful. It was hard to tune because it needed to give a lot of ultimate Ability Haste to be a powerful reward, but not so powerful that it’d completely warp the game. So we're making some adjustments. Run like the wind! (Cloud Dragon Soul and Cloud Rift are unchanged.)

Rift Scuttler
The first Rift Scuttler spawn has been too impactful in deciding the outcome of the early game, so we're reducing its importance with lessened XP. Now that it's squishier (and tinier), you can defeat it more easily and scuttle back to safety sooner.
New Items
We’re adding some new items for mages, tanks, bruisers, and assassins, who have all been lacking meaningful options since the item system update last preseason.

Crown of the Shattered Queen
Mages have often felt at the mercy of their bursty foes with little else to do but hide on the far side of teamfights or hope their Stopwatch is enough to survive. This new Mythic lets them sacrifice some early damage for the chance to live longer—especially in the early game, when a completed Zhonya’s may not be a good option.

Tanky supports felt pigeonholed into one Mythic (Locket of the Iron Solari) which was a purely defensive tool. We're adding another Mythic for those who want to focus more on engaging offensively instead of relying on Locket's anti-burst.

Axiom Arc
Prior to the Youmuu’s Ghostblade buffs in patch 11.17, there weren’t many options for assassins to pick up Ability Haste. Axiom Arc is a new Legendary item designed to be the Ability Haste pick-up while also allowing ability-focused assassins to snowball a lead.

Offensive options for mages have been quite narrow, especially for those who wanted Legendary items to simply deal more damage. Shadowflame should let you blow up your opponents and will be extra spicy against those who stop your damage with shields on shields on shields.

Winter's Approach
Tanks who need mana can really struggle during teamfights as they slowly grind through their mana bars. Let the spell spamming commence. (Thanks, Wild Rift!)
Tank Items
Tank Mythics sort of feel like reskins of each other right now, and the choices aren't very cool or satisfying—just a bunch of different ways to burn people. These updates should create more distinction while still giving you the durability you need to succeed. We also gave the tank Mythic passives a bit more health so your stats progress better throughout the game.
Tank Legendaries had a different issue where the MR options felt really light aside from Spirit Visage, so we're heightening the fantasies of other choices like Force of Nature and Abyssal Mask.

Bami's Cinder
Immolate was meant to help with waveclear but would instead often throw off your CSing because your own minions would steal the last hits. We’re adding a small QoL helper to help you miss fewer of them. This update takes effect on all items that have the passive.

Frostfire Gauntlet
In order to differentiate the Immolate tank Mythics, we've shifted some of Frostfire's power into its "signature" effect—the Snowbind AoE passive. This chunky hit should make chasing down and debilitating enemies much more satisfying. Caution: Icy surface ahead!

Turbo Chemtank
Turbo Chemtank's Immolate effect often felt more like a requirement for jungle clear rather than an interesting passive. We're shifting the item's power into one big explosion, which should make it the go-to option for gankers and initiators that just gotta go fast.

Sunfire Aegis
Sunfire Aegis is the most expensive tank Mythic, yet its stats are a bit underwhelming. We're buffing up its durability to match its cost.

Abyssal Mask
Last season’s Abyssal Mask was powerful for champs who could use its Immobilize effect, and pretty much those champs only. We've reshaped it to be more of a hybrid offense/defense tool that shines against magic damage comps or large teamfights. It should also be an exciting choice for some AP bruisers and battlemages!

Force of Nature
Force of Nature was meant to fill the void Adaptive Helm left behind, but its value straddles between stacking resistances and movement speed. We've condensed and buffed its effects a bit; it should now be the go-to option when facing heavy magic damage comps or high-DPS mages like Ryze or Cassiopeia.

Knight's Vow
Knight's Vow was unpopular despite being powerful all year. We've returned the ally heal so that Pledge feels more like a mutual partnership rather than a selfless sacrifice. We've also sharpened the damage reduction to work better against burst damage, and removed the movement speed boost.

Aegis of the Legion
We're dropping the price of Aegis to make it more accessible in tank builds, especially for supports. Sunfire Aegis and Locket of the Iron Solari are still strong, so their total costs are unchanged. Gargoyle Stoneplate is relatively weak compared to others though, so it's inheriting the discount.
Mage Items
Mage item choices have been pretty limited this season, especially for AP bruisers and some battlemages. We're making a few options less generic but otherwise opening up items to appeal to all AP users.

We want to offer a cheaper tier of Mythics for AP mana users who don't need "luxury" damage options right away, so we're bringing Everfrost’s price down to match the new mage Mythic, Crown of the Shattered Queen. This way, mana users can opt into cheaper items if they need an earlier spike.

Demonic Embrace
Demonic Embrace should be a core item for AP bruisers, battlemages, and tanks who want more damage. It wasn’t fulfilling that role very well, so we’re removing its stacking resistance, boosting it for melees, and giving it a new passive that will make those tanky AP builds shine.

Archangel's Staff
Archangel's and Seraph's were basically just big powerful sticks of AP and mana this year. We're pushing them to better fit spell-slinging battlemage and bruiser playstyles.
Seraph's Embrace

Cosmic Drive
Cosmic Drive was strong throughout the season… but not very exciting. We're amping up the fantasy of this move-fast-cast-fast item and making its passive available way sooner.

Horizon Focus
Horizon Focus was a pretty niche, glass-cannon item that essentially gave long-range mages a lot of bonus damage. We're broadening its use case so that more champs feel happy picking it up.

Void Staff
Void Staff was a very powerful but generic purchase for amping up your AP and melting through MR. We’re shifting some of its power to its magic penetration so it’s not a one-stop-shop for mages who buy it.

Doran's Ring
We’re adding an incentive to Doran’s Ring for champions who want to get aggressive in lane. We still want champions to have access to mana in tough matchups, so we’re keeping the base mana regeneration relatively high—now there's just a bonus treat for dueling.

Hextech Alternator
Hextech Alternator was one of many AP damage items that were a bit too glass cannon-y. We're trading some of its AP for durability. This change affects Horizon Focus and the next three items, all of which build from Hextech Alternator.

Hextech Rocketbelt
Lethality Items
While assassins were strong, their Mythics felt lackluster. Many assassins were opting into Mythics like Goredrinker or Stridebreaker, and some rushed Legendaries like Youmuu's before their Mythic. We're not opposed to flexing into unique builds, but building a Lethality Mythic first was almost always the weaker option. We're reducing the gap between Mythics and Youmuu's for melee Lethality users, while ranged Lethality users should be relatively unaffected.

Duskblade of Draktharr


newFirst Strike
First Strike is a new Inspiration keystone that gives you a huge damage and gold boost when you strike an enemy champion first, but nothing if they hit you first. It's been great for artillery champions and assassins during playtests, and we're excited to see you experiment with it! You can read more details behind its design here.

removedPrototype: Omnistone
With the introduction of First Strike, it's also time we say goodbye to Prototype: Omnistone, a keystone that never really found a place in most players’ hearts. Its rules were too complex, and tinkering with it risked making it even harder to master. This left us in a tough spot where we couldn’t safely buff it because of its potential to warp gameplay in ways we weren't comfortable with.

Glacial Augment
Some champions were using Glacial Augment's Freeze Ray to CC enemies before casting skillshots to guarantee a wombo combo, which—though clever—wasn’t the intended design. This updated version should appeal to tanks and some enchanters without removing skill expression. We think it'll be particularly useful to defend allies or amplify huge engages.

Lethal Tempo
The keystones available for marksmen felt a little flat. Hail of Blades offered a burst of instant attack speed, Lethal Tempo a delayed burst of attack speed, and Press the Attack a delayed burst of damage. Lethal Tempo stood out as the least popular of the bunch despite having a similar win rate. This meant it was either more niche, less satisfying, or both. We're clarifying Lethal Tempo's identity as the best ramping option for long term value and adding attack range to make it more unique.
Ultimate Spellbook
Ultimate Spellbook is back—with a twist! (If you need a refresher, the original rules can be found here.)
We've added several new ultimates to the pool of Ult-ernate Summoner Spells, champion select bans, a new auto-smite feature for junglers, and special interactions with the new Chemtech and Hextech Drakes! Ultimate Spellbook will incorporate all of preseason’s content upon release (except for Objective Bounties) and will be available from November 18, 2021 to January 10, 2022.
New Ult-ernate Summoner Spells
Dr. Mundo
Xin Zhao
Removed Ult-ernate Summoner Spells
Ult-ernate Summoner Spell Balance Adjustments
As a catch-all note, any changes that have been made to champion ults since patch 11.14 (the last run of Ultimate Spellbook) have also been applied to their Ult-ernate versions in this mode. The only exception is the following bonus Ability Haste reduction on Ashe's R.
Jungle mains around the world, rejoice! We're introducing a special feature called Auto-Smite so that junglers can still pick a Summoner Spell other than Smite in this mode.
Junglers will be locked into taking Auto-Smite instead of a Placeholder Ult-ernate Summoner Spell during champ select. Auto-Smite gets replaced by the Ult-ernate that you select at the beginning of the game, granting you a buff that is also called Auto-Smite.
We're also introducing a new jungle starter item called Obsidian Edge that will only be available on Ultimate Spellbook. It has the same stats as the other two jungle items, but with a different completion criteria just for Auto-Smite and without Chilling or Challenging Smite's effects against champs (since you can't Auto-Smite a champion).
Lastly, Ivern's Auto-Smite works a little differently because, well, Ivern.
Dragons & Terrain
The only dragons that will spawn in this mode are the new Hextech and Chemtech Drakes! Any time your team slays one of these dragons in Ultimate Spellbook, your team will also gain a stack of the Echoes of Ruination buff.
Caitlyn, Jayce, & Jinx Updates
In order to streamline Caitlyn's future visuals, skins, and overall development, we've given the Sheriff of Piltover an Art and Sustainability Update (ASU)! In-game models, voiceovers (VO), sound effects (SFX), and visual effects (VFX) for Caitlyn and eight of her skins have been modernized. All of her splashes have also been updated, and some have been completely redone.
Jayce and Jinx have also been modernized for clarity and thematic purposes.
Caitlyn ASU
During this ASU, Caitlyn's Headshots were re-coded as empowered attacks rather than abilities. This removed several cases where Caitlyn was able to Headshot while her basic attack was on cooldown since Headshots now use her basic attack timer. We're monitoring Caitlyn's performance—especially at high skill levels—to ensure this doesn't unintentionally nerf her.
The following changes apply to Base, Arcade, Prestige Arcade, Headhunter, Lunar Wraith, Officer, Pool Party, and Safari Caitlyn, except for the new VO. VFXs, SFXs, splash arts, and in-game models for these skins have been updated to varying degrees.
Jayce VFX & SFX
The following updates apply to base and Debonair Jayce only (except for the VO). VFX and in-game models for Debonair, Forsaken, Full Metal, Jayce Brighthammer, and Resistance Jayce have also been updated to varying degrees.
Jinx VFX & SFX
The following updates apply to Base, Ambitious Elf, Crime City, Heartseeker, Firecracker, Odyssey, and Zombie Slayer Jinx. Crime City, Firecracker, and Zombie Slayer Jinx's in-game models have been cleaned up to varying degrees.
/All Chat
Based on initial results since we originally disabled /all chat in a few regions in patch 11.21, we're continuing the disable where it's already in effect but we’re not adding additional regions. From here on out, we'll message any per-region changes to impacted regions only, unless we've got global updates to share.
End of Season Rewards
Summoner's Rift Ranked and Honor End of Season Rewards will be distributed starting this patch and will be completed by December 16 (Riot Regions and Garena only). Clash End of Season Rewards will be distributed starting this patch and will be completed by December 16 (Riot Regions only). Tencent will distribute Ranked and Clash rewards for players in China during patch 11.24. You can find more details at the Player Support page here!
Ixtal Clash
Team formation for the first weekend of the Ixtal-themed Clash starts on November 15, and the tournament will be on November 20 and 21. Team formation for the second weekend will open on November 29, and the tournament will be on December 4 and 5.
Ixtal Clash is not a part of the regular Clash season. You’ll still be able to earn Ixtal rewards, but your Clash VP track won’t be affected.
Bugfixes & QoL Changes
Loot Odds
Drop rates for content from Loot items, now called Loot Odds, will soon be displayed in the Store on the League client! You can now view Loot Odds directly in the client in addition to the existing Hextech Crafting FAQ webpage so you can make better informed decisions at the time of purchase.
Loot Odds will roll out slowly all over the globe starting later in patch 11.23. Certain regions have additional regulations around Loot, so it may take additional time for Loot Odds to appear.
Tooltip Trackers
Numerous item and rune tooltips have been updated to include stat trackers so that players can evaluate the impact of them throughout their games.
- Fizz's base voice lines have been remastered for clarity and quality
- The sound effects on Twitch's E - Contaminate have been restored for his base and Shadowfoot skins
- Clicking "Confirm" upon selecting an Ult-ernate Summoner Spell in Ultimate Spellbook will now play a sound
- Placing a Passive - A Harmless Scarecrow effigy as Fiddlesticks while channeling R - Crowstorm will no longer override his ultimate's sound effects
- Fixed several Zed skins so that his Q - Razor Shuriken on-hit sound effects play properly for all shurikens, even when they hit the same target
- Fixed a bug where Graves would receive full Fleet Footwork healing if he targets a champion with a basic attack that is blocked by minions
- Lord Dominik's Regards' Giant Slayer passive will no longer work against structures, monsters, and minions
- Fixed a bug with Vi's Q - Vault Breaker so that it casts immediately after tapping the ability
- Fixed a bug where Tryndamere could get executed during his R - Undying Rage upon healing from a Kindred R - Lamb's Respite
- Fixed a bug where Kai'Sa could not dash to marked targets with R - Killer Instinct unless she had learned Q - Icathian Rain
- Fixed bug where Volibear's next attack would sometimes fail to stun if he had casted his R - Stormbringer during his Q - Thundering Smash
- Fixed a bug where Lee Sin's Passive - Fury would sometimes not take effect if he had casted Q - Resonating Strike or E - Cripple during a basic attack
- Kayn's current transformation status will properly display in team chat when he pings his own portrait
- Yorick's E - Mourning Mist tooltip now displays its AP ratio
- The sound effect on Vi's Q - Vault Breaker dash has been restored
- Galio's death animation where he turns into stone has been restored
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch:
The following chromas will be released this patch: