TFT’s Rotating Shop Coming Soon!
nitially announced in our Inkborn Fables Dev Drop, the Rotating Shop will be released with patch 14.11 on Thursday, May 30th. Read on for more details about the Rotating Shop’s release, including details on our first featured cosmetics in the shop, Treasure Realms updates, and more!
What’s the Rotating Shop?
As we’ve iterated on TFT’s monetization features over the past few years, one of the biggest pieces of feedback we’ve received from players is a desire for more agency in choosing specific cosmetics.
Treasure Realms will continue to exist (and meaningfully tie into how the Rotating Shop works—more on that later), but providing agency is where the Rotating Shop comes in. On release, you’ll see a new selection of cosmetics that rotates on a set schedule. The Rotating Shop uses two currencies, Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions. You’ll receive Realm Crystals from Events, Treasure Realm pulls, and both the free & paid Pass. Mythic Medallions will come from Treasure Realms.
Realm Crystal S
You’ll see a ton of releases in the Rotating Shop over time, including brand-new Mythic & Prestige Tacticians, Arenas, and Booms, as well as some highlights from TFT’s back catalog. If there’s something you’ve been looking for, like a totally-normal-and-not-at-all-unsettling Honeybuzz Duckbill, or maybe some previous Pass+ rewards you may have missed out on, just keep an eye on the shop!
The Rotating Shop will also include content like the Poro Yeet Boom or other Poro Variants that have been released in the past as loot-exclusive items, and we’ll continue to release new non-mythic content into the shop so they’re available for purchase using Realm Crystals along with them being drops in Treasure Realm Bounties.
From Dangos to Dragonmancers
There are two main sections in the shop: Mythic and Seasonal.
The Mythic section uses Mythic Medallions and contains a small selection of TFT’s rarest & top-tier Tacticians, Arenas, and Booms. On release, you’ll be able to grab:
- A Brand-New Mythic Chibi, Arena, and Boom
- Chibi Prestige Dragonmancer Yasuo
- Chibi Divine Sword Irelia
- Spirit Blossom Yone Boom
- Prestige Dragon Fist Lee Sin Boom
No need to worry if you can’t grab everything you want right away—they’ll be available for a few patches, and you’ll see new items added in over time.
In the Seasonal section, you’ll use Realm Crystals and find a much larger selection of both brand-new cosmetics & some classics from the back catalog. The Seasonal selections will rotate out more quickly than the Mythic shop offerings. There’s a lot to find in the Seasonal store, and this is the place to go if you’re looking for that one elusive Little Legend variant. Some highlights to look forward to in our initial release include:
Mysterious Chibi, Chibi Yone
- *Unlike direct purchase, base Chibis acquired in the Rotating Shop are sold separately from their Boom
- Poro Yeet Boom
- Dr. Shisa
- Arcade Gloop
- Plant Buddy Sprite
- Spirit Blossom Kanmei Lightcharger
- Goodest Duckbill
- Dark Star Poptail
- Nimbus Cloud, Hydroblast Booms
- Base Yone
- …and much more
What’s Happening to Treasure Realms?
Treasure Realms are sticking around, although they’re getting a number of updates alongside the release of the Rotating Shop. First, as mentioned in the Inkborn Fables Dev Drop, we’re making adjustments to Treasure Realms; firstly, we’re adding the two currencies we mentioned earlier, Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions as potential drops from Treasure Realms. Mythic Medallions drop at least once each 50 Treasure Realm pulls, and you’ll get more Medallions from the milestone rewards. We're removing the ability to get duplicate copies of LLs from the system, so you should also expect to receive more Realm Crystals if you own many Little Legends as Treasure Realms will give Realm Crystals anytime you roll an already owned item.
We’re also reducing the price of each Treasure Realm to 50 (half the current price) Treasure Tokens per pull. With Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions, you’ll also get more agency over the content you ultimately get from Treasure Realm pulls, rather than hoping that random drop you get is something you’ll like.
Additionally, we're adjusting the way players will get guaranteed content from Treasure Realms by relying on Mythic Medallions instead. As a substitute for our pity counter system, Mythic Medallions can be traded for guaranteed content within the Rotating Shop. The shop will always have the newest Mythic Content available to redeem while the bounty is active, as well as a selection of other rare content from the past.
We wanted to make sure that getting lucky and hitting Mythic content feels great every time. We know that it feels great when you hit what you’re looking for with just a few attempts, but it also shouldn’t feel like you’ve just wasted Treasure Tokens when you don’t hit quite so early. With these changes, even if you get lucky right before you get enough Mythic Medallions for that Mythic Chibi, that means you’ll be just as close to the NEXT piece of mythic content as well!
As a result of the reduction in price per pull and addition of Mythic Medallion redemptions for mythic content, we are reducing the drop rate of Mythic content from 1% to 0.3%
We’re also adding a new Milestone Rewards track that will give both Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions at specific breakpoints as you pull more. This will guarantee that you get progress towards Mythic content in the shop, alongside the random Mythic Medallions you get from drops. Milestone reward progress will be shared across bounties, so opening any bounty will get you progress toward the next reward!
After patch 14.11 releases, every player will have their guaranteed drop counter reset and be granted an amount of Realm Crystals & Mythic Medallions based on how far they are from a guaranteed drop. If you’re close to a guarantee, you should expect enough of both tokens to get a Mythic Chibi or Arena of your choice, as well as a bonus or two. You can see the full breakdown below:
Additionally, any players with Promise Tokens in their inventories will have these automatically converted to 12 Mythic Medallions on launch—that’s enough for any new or returning Mythic Arena or Mythic Chibi, AKA 12 Mythic Medallions IS one Promise Token.
Attempts remaining until guaranteed content |
Total Realm Crystals |
Total Mythic Medallions |
60 |
200 |
0 |
59 |
200 |
0 |
58 |
200 |
0 |
57 |
200 |
0 |
56 |
200 |
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55 |
200 |
2 |
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200 |
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200 |
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200 |
2 |
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200 |
2 |
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400 |
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400 |
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400 |
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400 |
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400 |
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400 |
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400 |
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400 |
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400 |
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400 |
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800 |
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800 |
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1000 |
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1000 |
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1000 |
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1000 |
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1000 |
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1000 |
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1200 |
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1200 |
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1200 |
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1200 |
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10 |
1600 |
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1600 |
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1600 |
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1600 |
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6 |
1600 |
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5 |
1600 |
12 |
4 |
1600 |
12 |
3 |
1600 |
12 |
2 |
1600 |
12 |
1 |
1600 |
12 |
Time To Rotate Out
There’s a lot coming with this update, so to recap:
- The Rotating Shop launches in patch 14.11.
- You’ll be able to earn new Realm Crystals through Passes (both free & Pass+), Events, and Treasure Realms after the patch.
- Mythic Medallions are earnable in Treasure Realms.
- With the addition of these new currencies to Treasure Realms, the price & Mythic content drop rate of each pull are being reduced—less investment for each individual pull, more rewards along the way, and more control over acquiring the content you want via Mythic Medallions.
- You can spend these Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions directly on cosmetics in the Rotating Shop, from back catalog Little Legends to brand-new Prestige or Mythic Chibis, Arenas, and more.
- Guaranteed drop counts are being reset and removed with the patch, and players will all be granted an appropriate number of Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions to compensate.
Thanks to all our Tacticians for the support, from River Sprites, to the many, many Dangos, and the Prestige Dragon Fist Lee Sins breaking it down on the K/DA Arena. The concept for the Rotating Shop came directly from tons of player feedback, and we’ll continue to iterate with more feedback over the coming weeks, months, and years.
Will these currencies ever expire?
How often will Mythic shops rotate?
Some content will rotate in and out every patch, but most will stay for a few patches.
How often will Seasonal shops rotate?
Every patch to start with, but we may keep a small segment of items on for longer.
So Mythic Medallions are the new Pity counter?
Yup. The big difference here is that you can accumulate these as you are going for a piece of Star (Mythic) content, and then when you hit said content, you will still have all the Mythic Medallions you pulled in pursuing said content. In other words, Mythic Medallions are pity counters that don’t reset when you do hit!
Why reduce the hit chance of Mythic content in Treasure Realms?
By adding the two new currencies, we increased the agency players have over getting what content they want, as well as ensuring each pull matters (no dead pity counter pulls). Despite doing this, we also wanted to lower the price of Treasure Realms to make the Rotational Shop is accessible. Our only way to balance these two goals was to reduce the hit chance for initial Mythic content.
Why include the Realm Crystals as potential drops in Treasure Realms?
We received player feedback that receiving a lot of Little Legends while trying to pull for a Mythic Chibi wasn’t a great experience, and we agreed. Our focus for Realm Crystals was to add agency to Treasure Realm pulls so that players can get content they’re interested in rather than a random assortment of content they may not care about at all.
Additionally, we wanted to make sure that players would have access to some previously released Treasure Realm exclusive items, like the Poro Yeet boom, without needing to rely solely on a random drop to get it.
As always, we’ll continue to iterate on these systems with your feedback, so check out the Rotational Shop and let us know what you think!