The Demon’s Hand

Noxus Seasonal Minigame

Today, with Patch 25.06, we’re bringing you our first seasonal mini-game: The Demon’s Hand, a strategic turn-based card-battling game.

In The Demon’s Hand you’ll discover, unlock, and equip powerful Sigils to strengthen your attacks and form new strategies.

Freed by LeBlanc after more than 1000 years of imprisonment, Atakhan is rampaging around Runeterra, looking to feed on carnage and bloodshed, and to reacclimate to a world it doesn’t recognize. Eventually, Atakhan finds itself in a strange and unknown land, eyeing a lone man. The place feels out of time, and the man somehow... familiar. Atakhan joins him at the table, compelled by a force it doesn’t understand. (Don’t ask questions, it's time to play the game).

How to Play:

  1. You start the game with a set amount of health, based on how far you’ve progressed in the mini game.

  2. Each round, draw 8 cards from a deck of 52 to assemble different levels of attacks to strike at your opponent’s card.

  3. You can discard three times each round, and discard up to five individual cards each time you discard.

  4. Deal damage based on the various attack values depending on the card combinations you put together.

  5. After each battle, you'll be awarded currency that you can spend on sigils to augment different aspects of the game (incoming or outgoing damage, card draw, card type, round status effects, health effects, etc.).

  6. Rounds continue until either you win or lose.


You strike your opponent’s card by playing your own cards; bigger combos mean bigger attacks. Look for different kinds of number or command cards across the four suits, Sun, Stone, Moon, and Fire. See if you can pull off the feat of assembling the full Demon’s Hand by obtaining all of the command cards in the same suit.

Solo - Single high value card
Dyad - Two cards of the same number
Dyad Set - Two sets of Dyads
Triad - Three cards of the same number
Tetrad - Four cards of the same number
March - Five sequential number cards
Horde - Five cards of the same suit
Grand Warhost - Three cards of the same number and 2 cards of the same number
Marching Horde - Five cards of sequential order in the same suit
The Demon’s Hand - Five cards of the highest value in the same suit


After each battle you can purchase powerful sigils to augment the game. Starting off you’ll be able to store 6 Sigils to use when you’d like. You’ll be able to strategize around the sigils you acquire each time you play, resulting in different styles or approaches to defeat your opponent. There’s also some rare sigils that can only be unlocked by playing League or completing missions, so keep an eye out for those powerful sigils so that you can make them available in The Demon’s Hand

If you’re thinking the regular game is too easy for you then we have some additional levels of difficulty for you that are only available after collecting those Rare Sigils.

  • Collect 8 Rare Sigils and clear Story Mode to unlock Hard Mode.

  • Collect 16 Rare Sigils and clear Hard Mode to gain access to “Demon Mode”

Completing it won’t make you an Unkillable Demon King, but it will give you a pretty sweet icon.


For participating in the The Demon’s Hand minigame we have a few special limited time missions for you to commemorate the event, each mission will have some BXP (Battle Pass Experience), and some will have a unique reward, so be sure to grab it while you can!

  • Completing the Story Mode will grant an emote alongside 500 BXP

  • Completing Hard Mode will grant an illustrative Icon and 250 BXP

  • Completing Demon’s Mode will grant an exclusive Demon’s Hand Icon and 250 BXP

  • Collecting all 24 Rare Sigils will give you a “The Demon’s Hand” title and 250 BXP