Prestige skins

Game Updates
Last Chance Prestige Point Shop
See what you can redeem with your points at the Last Chance Prestige Point Shop, open on December 9!

Game Updates
Prestige through End of 2021
Revealing the rest of 2021's prestige champs and teases for the Mythic Content Overhaul.

Game Updates
Small Prestige 2021 Update
More champs getting Prestige skins before the rare & exclusive content overhaul.

Game Updates
Prestige 2020 End of Year & 2021 Updates
The End of Year Prestige Shop is coming soon, with bigger changes in the works for 2021.

Game Updates
Prestige in the Second Half of 2020
We've got the list of champs getting Prestige skins through the end of 2020!

Game Updates
Prestige in the first half of 2020
We've got the list of Prestige Skins coming out in the first half of 2020!

Game Updates
The End of Year Prestige Shop is Open!
The Prestige Shop is open! Check in for a list of stuff you can use your remaining points on.

Game Updates
Prestige Updates
Sharing our plans for Prestige through the end of 2019 and into 2020.