Patch 25.06 Notes
In this week's patch we've got quite a few changes! On the gameplay side of things we've got more balance changes and system tuning coming your way! We're pushing champion bounty suppression the hardest it's been pushed, attempting to fully remove them when your team is even moderately behind as early as 6 minutes into the game. We're also alleviating the anti-lane swap minion penalties introduced last patch. In even more news, Naafiri's midscope debuts this patch and her W and R have changed places! She can go untargetable now! Otherwise, we've got significant updates to Gwen and Singed plus another two dozen smaller balance changes as usual.
Outside of gameplay we've also got quite a lot of other things going on! We're launching an update to Vanguard so now you'll get LP back when a cheater lost you a game, we've got our new Champion Mastery icons going out (expect a few small changes on the way next patch), the return of Your Shop, another round of Battle Academia skins, and a BIG update to the Mythic Essence Shop. Make sure to read all of the notes for more details. Thanks for dropping by and see you on the Rift!
It's the last patch of Set 13, read all about it in the TFT patch notes here!

Patch Highlights
Vanguard LP Refunds and New Ban Notification
Cheaters suck, and encountering one in-game has been widely quantified by scientists as a "1 Star Experience." While it's satisfying to see cheaters get banned, playing against one can still leave an innocent player with a defeat in their match history and a bad taste in their mouth. So, starting with 25.06, we'll be offering remedy for the former, and if Vanguard determines that any player lost a Ranked game to an active cheater, we'll be "refunding" the LP lost as a result of that game once the cheater is suspended.

When a refund happens, you'll receive a notification immediately (or on your next login), telling you when the match occurred, how much LP you've been credited, and identifying your updated rank in beautiful, bold beaufort lettering. We won't be removing LP from those that inadvertently won with a cheater on their team, only restoring it to those that suffered a loss. However, any account that's found intentionally and repeatedly queuing with cheaters, also known as "hitchhiking" or "bussing," will be banned right alongside them.

Also in this patch, we'll be introducing our 2nd favorite notification: reporter feedback. The Vanguard team heavily utilizes in-game reports to best direct their attention at any player needing more loving review, so to keep that loop as accurate as possible, it's important that you know when your hackusations are right on the money. …and it doesn't hurt to know the exact moment that a cheater's account got beamed into the heliosphere.
Champion Mastery
In this patch we're releasing our new champion mastery icons! We've made these updates based on requests from all of you to bring the emotes we introduced last year more in line with their previous versions, while still giving them a fresh new look.
As a heads up, we're still making some final tweaks to the color, texture, and audio of the emotes based on some PBE feedback, so expect those to come through next patch. For now though, enjoy showing off your hard earned mastery in style.
Your Shop

W headshot damage and R damage decreased.
Caitlyn is looking to be quite strong at the moment, much of which is due to the amount of guaranteed damage within her kit. In order to level the playing field we're looking to tone down some of her point and click damage this patch so landing those Q's and E's will be more important if you want to go for the takedown.
W - Yordle Snap Trap
- Headshot Damage Increase vs Trapped Targets: 40 / 85 / 130 / 175 / 220 (+ 40% bonus AD) ⇒ 35 / 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 (+ 30% bonus AD)
R - Ace in the Hole
- Damage: 300 / 500 / 700 (+ 100% bonus AD) ⇒ 300 / 475 / 650 (+ 100% bonus AD)

Base armor decreased.
Corki is a little overbearing at higher skill brackets in the bot lane, so we're bringing down a little of his early bullying power. He already falls off a cliff late game, so we're skewing these nerfs toward the early game, hence a base armor reduction.
Base Stats
- Base Armor: 30 ⇒ 27

Passive damage to monsters decreased.
Darius has skyrocketed as the best jungler to play with his new move-speed build that creates reliable ganks. Since we don't want to nerf top lane Darius while hitting his jungle performance, we've got 12 separate lines that are mathematically proven to be equivalent in all… just kidding, we're hitting the jungle mod.
Passive - Hemorrhage
- Monster Damage Modifier: 300% ⇒ 200%

Passive bonus adoration stacks removed.
Draven has been making the Noxus season his, and it's been a bit painful for those unfortunate enough to go up against him. We think his damage is in a good place, but his snowballing in higher skill brackets is getting out of hand, so we're looking to remove one of the more niche mechanics within his passive.
Passive - League of Draven
- Draven no longer gains 2 Bonus Adoration stacks for every 6 kills

Armor growth decreased.
Ezreal has been high presence and overperforming in general recently. He's pretty hard to catch and his builds often involve building decent amounts of HP or other defensive stats, making him both hard to lock down and take down. This patch we're lowering his scaling armor so HP purchases are less efficient on him and to make him more vulnerable over time.
Base Stats
- Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.2

Q mana cost decreased.
Fiora is at an all-time historic low in terms of play rate and is specifically performing much worse in lower skill brackets than she used to. One notable sadness for her is that she's pretty much required to buy Ravenous Hydra, as she can't rely solely on her abilities to clear waves. We'd like to open up how often she can use abilities, so we're dropping Q's mana cost substantially.
Q - Lunge
- Mana Cost: 20/25/30/35/40 ⇒ 20 at all ranks

E damage on critical strikes decreased.
Garen is crowding out a lot of other top laners and deals a shocking amount of mid-game damage with his crit builds, leading to a sort of tanky assassin play pattern. We'd like to reduce how much burst damage Garen is dealing by weakening his crit binding, which won't nerf his more balanced juggernaut builds.
E - Judgement
- Damage on Critical Strikes: 175% ⇒ 150%

All abilities adjusted.
Gwen was originally intended to be a lightly scaling AP fighter, and her kit's design and strengths reflect that. However, over time she shifted towards late game scaling and she's been closer in power curve shape to a hyperscaler like Kayle as opposed to a lightly scaling fighter like Fiora. We believe that the best version of Gwen is one where her Q stacking gameplay and E dash are actually powerful and fun tools to work with in the laning phase, and potentially even in the jungle. But today she tends to play to scale and wins teamfights with only Needlework casts. We still want players to be able to take over games as Gwen, but by using her entire kit rather than farming up a bunch of gold and throwing ultimate needles.
Base Stats
- Health Growth: 115 ⇒ 100
- Base Health: 620 ⇒ 650
P - Thousand Cuts
- Damage: 1% (+ 0.6% per 100 AP) of target's HP ⇒ 1% (+ 0.55% per 100 AP) of target's HP
- Damage to Monsters Modifier: 10 (+15% AP) ⇒ 5 (+15% AP)
Q - Snip Snip!
- Final Snip Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 35% AP) ⇒ 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 35% AP)
- Maximum Damage: 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 60% AP) ⇒ 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 320 (+ 60% AP)
W - Hallowed Mist
- Bonus Resistances: 22 / 24 / 26 / 28 / 30 (+ 7% AP) ⇒ 25 (+ 5% AP)
E - Skip 'N Slash
- Cooldown: 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11 ⇒ 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds
- Cooldown Refund: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65% ⇒ 50% at all ranks
- On-Hit Damage: 15 (+ 20% AP) ⇒ 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 (+ 20% AP)
R - Needlework
- Damage per Needle: 35 / 65 / 95 (+ 10% AP) ⇒ 30 / 60 / 90 (+ 8% AP)
- Initial Slow: 40 / 50 / 60% ⇒ 60% at all ranks
- Reduced Slow: 15 / 20 / 25% ⇒ 25% at all ranks

Jarvan IV
Q damage increased.
Jarvan has fallen off in recent times in the jungle which means he has room for some damage buffs that will allow him to carry a little harder and have more impact in skirmishes. We're buffing his Q base damage and scaling as it is one of his most reliable damage tools. It also tends to be more powerful at lower skill levels which should prevent this buff from only making him viable in Pro.
Q - Dragon Strike
- Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 140% bonus AD) ⇒ 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+ 145% bonus AD)

Passive scaling increased.
Jhin is weaker than we'd like him to be, and he's become a bit more early game skewed over the years which means he has room for mid and late game buffs! In this patch we're looking to bring back some powerful two item spike builds, and generally improve Jhin's scaling.
Passive - Whisper
- Bonus AD: 4 - 44% (based on level) (+ 0.3% per 1% Critical Strike Chance) (+ 0.25% per 1% bonus Attack Speed) ⇒ 4 - 44% (based on level) (+ 0.35% per 1% Critical Strike Chance) (+ 0.3% per 1% bonus Attack Speed)

R damage decreased.
Jinx is running wild at just about all ranks at the moment so we need to take a bit of pep out of her step. Jinx's ultimate is a powerful tool at all stages of the game, regardless of the game state, so this patch we're aiming to pull down that all-around threat and retain its more situational burst damage against low-health enemies.
R - Super Mega Death Rocket!
- Damage: 325 / 475 / 625 (+ 165% bonus AD) (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health) ⇒ 300 / 450 / 600 (+ 155% bonus AD) (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health)

Base armor increased, base health regen increased. R cooldown decreased.
Kai'sa is intended to be weak early in the game, but her current state is so weak there's not much reason to pick her over other ADCs. We're giving her some breathing room in lane by upping her armor and health regen while also giving her more frequent access to her most exciting tool, her ultimate.
Base Stats
- Base Armor: 25 ⇒ 27
- Base Health Regeneration: 3.5 ⇒ 4
R - Killer Instinct
- Cooldown: 130 / 100 / 70 ⇒ 120 / 90 / 60 seconds

Q base damage decreased.
Karma has quickly risen the ranks to become arguably the strongest mage-enchanter support in the game. We're very happy that she's returned from the depths of non-viability, but she needs to perform a bit worse to give other supports a fighting chance. These nerfs will affect her most common Q-max build by weakening her early laning phase, while also nerfing her sleeper-OP E-max build by being a more potent nerf at lower ranks.
Q - Inner Flame
- Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 70% AP) ⇒ 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+ 70% AP)

Passive and E damage increased.
Kha'Zix isn't currently in the best shape so we'll be buffing up his PvP power this patch, giving him more of a reason to play around both his passive and his Leap by having both sting a bit more.
Passive - Unseen Threat
- Bonus Damage: 14 - 116 (based on level) (+40% bonus AD) ⇒ 17 - 136 (based on level) (+50% bonus AD)
E - Leap
- Damage: 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 (+ 20% bonus AD) ⇒ 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 (+ 40% bonus AD)

E cooldown decreased, scaling increased.
Lillia's a bit weak right now so she's due for some buffs to help her out. Swirlseed's cooldown is a little too punishing for how liberally we think she should be able to bowl it down a lane and look for a strike, so we're bringing it cooldown down and its damage up.
E - Swirlseed
- Cooldown: 14 ⇒ 12 seconds
- Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 50% AP) ⇒ 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 60% AP)

E cooldown decreased.
Lucian's a touch underpowered in the current League landscape, so we'd like to give him a little more power. We're giving him some mobility that he can use aggressively in early laning and mid-game team fighting with the goal of making him succeed as a high-octane, aggressive ADC who relies on quick decision making.
E - Relentless Pursuit
- Cooldown: 19 / 17.75 / 16.5 / 15.25 / 14 ⇒ 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14 seconds

Master Yi
Armor growth decreased. Q critical strike damage increased.
Master Yi has several built in on-demand defensive options, meaning the times where he is attackable he should probably be more vulnerable at a base stat level. We're targeting his armor growth to make sure these periods of vulnerability are more clearly weak points for his opponents to go after him. Additionally, we're increasing the Bonus Crit Damage Ratio on Alpha Strike to allow crit Master Yi to be more viable for the Crit Yi enjoyers out there.
Base Stats
- Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.2
Q - Alpha Strike
- Bonus Critical Strike Damage: 75% ⇒ 100%

Midscope update.
Naafiri released as a simple to play midlane assassin, but since then has struggled to find an audience. In retrospect, that target was not the ideal version of Naafiri, so we're going back to add some depth and outplay potential to her kit while also opening her up to be played in the jungle as well.
To do this, we're swapping her W (Hound's Pursuit) and R (Call of the Pack) Abilities. They've been adjusted to account for their new places in Naafiri's kit . In addition, casting Call of the Pack now makes Naafiri untargetable, making it useful as a situational damage ability or a tool to hold for outplay.
Last note, given her pack based theme, it felt like a good opportunity to bump up the presence of her dagger dogs. She'll passively get more of them running around with her as the game progresses and Call of the Pack now provides a non-ultimate way to refresh her pack on demand.
Base Stats
- Health Growth: 120 ⇒ 105
- Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.2
- Base Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 57
- AD Growth: 2.1 ⇒ 2
Passive - We Are More
- Max Packmates: 2 / 3 (levels 1 / 9) ⇒ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 (levels 1 / 9 / 12 / 15)
- Packmate Damage: 12 - 32 (based on level) (+ 5% bonus AD) ⇒ 10 - 20 (based on level) (+ 4% bonus AD)
- Packmate Health Growth: 16 ⇒ 13
- Packmate Armor/MR Growth: 2 ⇒ 1.8
- Packmate Reduced AoE Damage Taken: 76 - 50% (levels 1-14) ⇒ 76 - 55% (levels 1-15)
- Packmate Reduced Damage from Towers: 25% ⇒ 50%
- Who's the Real Monster?: Packmates now deal 165% damage to Monsters
- Packmate Taunt Duration: 3 ⇒ 2 seconds
Q - Darkin Daggers
- Damage to Minions: 60% ⇒ 80%
W - The Call of the Pack
- Lost in the Pack: Naafiri and her packmates gain 1 second of untargetability on cast
- Bonus AD: 5/15/25 (+ 8-24% AD) ⇒ + 20% AD (Note: This is now granted on-cast.)
- Extra Packmates: 2/3/4 ⇒ 2
- Buff Duration: 15 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
- Bonus Movement Speed: 70-100% decaying over 4 seconds, reduced upon taking damage ⇒ 20-30% for 5 seconds (Note: This is now granted on-cast.)
- Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds ⇒ 20/19.5/19/18.5/18 seconds
- Mana Cost: 100 ⇒ 60
- REMOVED: The Call of the Pack no longer grants Naafiri a shield, a pulse of vision, and will no longer reset the ability's buffs on takedown. Packmates will no longer gain bonus health and cooldown.
R - Hound's Pursuit
- Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: If Naafiri scores a takedown within 7 seconds, she reveals nearby enemies and can recast this ability once. The second cast grants her a 100/150/200(+1.5 bonus AD) Shield for 3 seconds.
- Cooldown: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 ⇒ 110 / 95 / 80 seconds
- Mana Cost: 70 / 60 / 50 / 40 / 30 ⇒ 100
- Range: 700 / 780 / 860 / 940 ⇒ 900 units
- Damage: 30 / 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 10% per Packmate) ⇒ 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 120% bonus AD) (+ 10% per Packmate)
- You Can Run: This ability is no longer blockable.
- Big Dogs ONLY: This ability can no longer be cast on minions.

Q damage to monsters increased.
Poppy's received a lot of changes recently and while her top and support are both in acceptable states, her ability to jungle has suffered. This patch we're looking to give her some specific jungle power without affecting her other roles much.
Q - Hammer Shock
- Capped Monster Health Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 ⇒ 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195
- Maximum Monster Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 100% bonus AD) ⇒ 105 / 160 / 215 / 270 / 325 (+ 100% bonus AD)

Base AS increased. Q now steals kills from allied Minions. E scaling decreased.
Singed has historically struggled to farm against not only another champion in his lane, but also against his own allied minions. With the recent increases to minion damage, this has only become more punishing, and we've determined that there is too much variance in last hitting in lanes against factors outside of the Singed player's control for it to be worth preserving this skill test for Singed. As such, we're slightly nerfing Singed's scaling and then making it much more feasible for him to last hit minions in lane, taking away some power Singed was getting for free before and giving players gold instead to allow them to buy whatever stats and effects they'd want instead.
Base Stats
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 ⇒ 0.7 (Note: This is equivalent to gaining 12% AS at level 1.)
Q - Poison Trail
- Respect the Dibs: If a minion would die to another minion while affected by Poison Trail, Singed gets the kill credit instead
E - Fling
- Damage: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8% of target's maximum health) (+ 60% AP) ⇒ 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8% of target's maximum health) (+ 55% AP)

W damage increased. E damage increased. R cooldown decreased.
Smolder's been the opposite of on fire recently which is ironic given his name, so we're looking to buff up the areas that aren't hitting the bar we'd like. His W is below the bar for last hitting early game, his E bolts aren't worth using offensively, and now that his R doesn't cook waves, it doesn't need to have a long cooldown throughout the game. Altogether, these should light a fire within our favorite little dragon and get him back on track to receive some head pats from Mommy Smolder.
- Glob Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 60% bonus AD) ⇒ 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 (+ 60% bonus AD)
- Explosion Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 80% AP) ⇒ 10 / 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 (+ 65% bonus AD) (+ 80% AP)
E - Flap, Flap, Flap
- Damage per Bolt: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 25% AD) ⇒ 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 30% AD)
- Cooldown: 120 ⇒ 120 / 110 / 100 seconds

Twisted Fate
Base Armor increased.
We're giving Twisted Fate a bit of juice as he's been bricking for a long time now. Since he's such an attack-heavy champion, even for a mage, he has no choice but to draw minion aggro pretty consistently. We'd like him to be able to play out those trades more favorably on his terms, so we're giving him a little early armor to brave the minions.
Base Stats
- Base Armor: 21 ⇒ 24

Xin Zhao
Q damage increased.
Xin Zhao hasn't been keeping up with other jungles, making him less appealing to other AD fighters, so we're giving him a small boost to get him back in the game.
Q - Three Talon Strike
- Bonus Damage: 16 / 29 / 42 / 55 / 68 (+ 40% bonus AD) ⇒ 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 40% bonus AD)

E damage to monsters decreased.
Yorick is currently overperforming in the jungle and putting camps and enemies into his graves, so we're pulling on one of his jungle damage levers in order to bring him more in line with other junglers.
E - Mourning Mist
- Capped Monster Health Damage: 300 ⇒ 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210

Serylda's Grudge
Serylda's is being adjusted this patch to better match assassins by being pushed toward armor penetration and away from ability haste. This isn't meant to be a very large buff, but should feel better to use for most assassin champions.
- Armor Penetration: 30 ⇒ 35%
- Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 15

Warmog's Armor
Warmogs had a pretty significant power shift moving into this season, and unfortunately it ended up on the weaker side. This patch we're buffing up the capstone effect to make sure this item stays a later-in-the-game purchase on most champions and lowering the gold cost now that it is less in danger of being poached by supports.
- Gold Cost: 3300 ⇒ 3100
- Warmog's Vitality: Gain bonus health equal to 10% of bonus health from items ⇒ Gain bonus health equal to 12% of bonus health from items
Anti-Lane Swaps
When we implemented our anti-lane swap changes last patch, we wanted to affect regular play as little as possible while also removing lane swaps from First Stand. We're tuning the system to further reduce the impact on regular play by alleviating the frequency and severity of the lane swap debuff. By shortening the time frame and reducing the overall minion penalty, we hope to have the best of both worlds for pro and regular play alike.
- Start Time: 1:30 ⇒ 1:35
- End Time in Top Lane: 3:30 ⇒ 3:00
- End Time in Mid Lane: 3:30 ⇒ 2:15
- Minion Gold/XP Penalty: 50% ⇒ 25%
- Alert Improvements:If you're about to trigger lane swaps on your teammate, the warning message is now clearer that you're about to trigger lane swaps but haven't done so yet.
We're taking another big swing of a tuning pass on champion bounty suppression. First, we're decoupling the time it can turn on from the Objective Bounty system in the backend, so now we can start suppressing champion bounties whenever we want. We're choosing 6 minutes for this first version, which should give some time for 1v1 laning comebacks, while still turning on in time for early-to-mid game team fights. Second, we're more than doubling the suppression strength. Suppression will begin even under very small team deficits and quickly crush all champion bounties for the losing team.
- Gold Lead Detection Time: 14 ⇒ 6 minutes (Note: Objective Bounty timing unchanged at 14 minutes.)
- Bounty Suppression by Lead Severity: 0 / 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100% ⇒ 30 / 60 / 90 / 100%
We overshot with the tower dive adjustments to Atakhan's form selection, so this patch we're re-adjusting the calculation so Voracious can actually exist in games for solo queue players.
- Increased Atakhan form thresholds by ~10%
The first patch of this run of Arena is out and we're so excited to see so many of you playing!
We've added a ton of new systems and content this time around so we're looking to polish some rough edges this patch now that y'all have had time to get your hands on them and give us your feedback.
In this patch we're looking to bring in power outliers on both sides, do adjustments to some of our new Guests of Honor, and balance some new augments that, while fun, needed a little followup. Next patch will introduce some more Guests of Honor, so look forward to those!
Arena has landed quite balanced overall! This patch we're adjusting some outlier champions who benefitted from larger system changes like our manascaling buffs and the like. We're also doing a swathe of system changes to bring down the power of the mage class a bit and bring up the power of enchanters, who were looking a bit too weak in the mode.
Our high level balance principles on Arena revolve around us trying to keep things fresh and exciting. We really don't want the game to become stale to the point everyone picks the same champions and augments every game; that leads to boring, repetitive game, gameplay, and an overall poorer play experience.
- Passive - Arcane Mastery: Mana gain per 100 AP: 10% ⇒ 7.5%
- Passive - Ravenous Flock: Health Gain per Stack: 15 ⇒ 12
- R - Demonic Ascension: Drain Damage per Tick: 15-25 ⇒ 10-20
- Stats: Bonus HP at 18: 255 ⇒ 493
- Q - Paddle Star: Cooldown: 8.5-6.5 ⇒ 6-4 seconds
- Q - Starcall: Healing: 60-120 (+0.35AP) ⇒ 120-240 (+0.45AP)
- Q - Starcall: Cooldown: 8-4 ⇒ 6-4 seconds
- Q - Prowling Projectile: Normal Q AP Ratio: 0.25AP ⇒ 0.40AP
- Q - Prowling Projectile: Charged Damage: 80-380 (+0.35AP) ⇒ 100-400 (0.60AP)
- Q - Prowling Projectile: Cooldown: 6.5 ⇒ 5 seconds
- Q - Hate Spike: Bonus Base Damage: 30-70 ⇒ 20-60
- R - Feast: Champion Base Damage: 400-750 ⇒ 300-600
- Q - Shattered Earth/Upheaval: Base Damage: 10-50 ⇒ 20-100
- E - Ixtal's Impact: Cooldown: 22-18 ⇒ 18-14 seconds
- Base Stats: Attack Speed Cap: 10.0 ⇒ 6.0 and Kalista now gains 1% Attack Damage for every 4% Attack Speed she has in excess of her Attack Speed Cap
Guest of Honor
- On selection: Reduce everyone's HP by 50 ⇒ reduced everyone's HP to 50
- On selection: Refreshes Flash's round cooldown when this happens.
- When a team is eliminated: Now grants 500g in addition to the 5 HP gained.
- Fall delay 2.5 ⇒ 2
- Base Cooldown reduced from 20 ⇒ 15 seconds
- Now grants 750 gold if you would gain a juice when you already have every juice.
- The Ring of Fire spawns immediately and takes longer to close.
- When the Ring of Fire moves around, it will now avoid the edges of each arena.
- Can now grant Chauffeur
- Cocoon health reduced from 20 ⇒ 12
- Cocoons are 50% larger
Curse Augments
- Max Cursed Power per Round per Curse Source beyond the first: 10 ⇒ 20
- Adjustment:Total Curse sources are counted per team, not per player
- Removed: True Damage from Cursed Power obtained in the round
Normal Augments
- Transmute: Chaos: Adjusted, now grants 2 random augments instead of 1 silver and 1 gold augment.
- Prismatic Egg: Now grants 1 additional reroll each time this hatches, in addition to the prismatic item.
- Firefox Damage: 45-200 (+ 45% AP) ⇒ 35-160 (+ 25% AP)
- Fruits of Your Labor: Range check removed.
Stat Anvils
- AP Shard: Champions that do not have an AP ratio will no longer be offered this
- Fortune Shard: Added a tracker for total gold gained
- Warmog's Armor: Health Threshold Requirement: 1500 ⇒ 1350
- Shadowflame: Damage Multiplier: 20% ⇒ 15%
- Runecarver: Energize Per Ability: 40 ⇒ 30
- Luden's Companion: Cooldown per Shot: 8 ⇒ 6 seconds; Base Damage: 60 ⇒ 80
- Malignance: Ground MR Shred: 10 ⇒ 25; Base Damage: 60 ⇒ 150
- Stormsurge: Squall Base Damage: 140 ⇒ 180; Gold: 30g ⇒ 125g
- Cosmic Drive: Spelldance Movement Speed: 20 ⇒ 60
- Perplexity: Giant Slayer Bonus: 22% ⇒ 15%
- Staff of Flowing Water: Ability Power: 45 ⇒ 55; Rapids Ability Power: 45 ⇒ 55
- Sword of Blossoming Dawn: Ability Power: 30 ⇒ 45
- Ardent Censer: Ability Power: 30 ⇒ 40
- Echoes of Helia: Ability Power: 30 ⇒ 40; Shard Heal: 55 ⇒ 75; Shard Damage: 60 ⇒ 80
- Moonstone Renewer: Ability Power: 25 ⇒ 35
- Eclipse: Shield: 180/60 ⇒ 250/125
- The Collector: Gold: 100g ⇒ 125g
- Sundered Sky: Base AD Ratio: 100% ⇒ 150%; Missing HP% Heal: 5% ⇒ 6%
- Zeke's Convergence: Frostfire Tempest: 50 + (2.5% bonus HP) ⇒ 75 + (4.0% bonus HP)
- Divine Sunderer: Base Damage: 160% ⇒ 180%; Premitigation Heal: 40% ⇒ 55%
- Rabadon's Deathcap: Ability Power: 70 ⇒ 65
- Everfrost: Damage: 200(+0.75AP) ⇒ 250(+0.85AP); Root Duration: 1 ⇒ 1.5 seconds
- Shadowflame: Ability Power: 100 ⇒ 90
- Detonation Orb: Mana: 400 ⇒ 600; Damage Store: 25/30% ⇒ 20/25%
- Sword of the Divine: Crit Chance: 40% ⇒ 50%
- Hamstringer: Bleed Damage on Hit: 25-100 ⇒ 20+80 + 25% of the hit's damage
This patch we're adjusting the time it takes for Elder Dragon and Baron buffs to scale up in Swiftplay in order to better match the shorter game length. The actual power of the buffs hasn't otherwise changed, they just scale up faster.
- Baron buff now scales up from 15:00 - 30:00 minutes
- Elder buff now scales up from 15:00 - 30:00 minutes
Mythic Shop Update
This patch we're introducing a new iteration of the Mythic Shop that'll change how we do rotations going forward. We have a blog out now with all the details, so check that out if you want to know more.
This new version of the shop will be going live at 00:00:00 UTC on Thursday, March 20th.
Going forward the shop will randomly select content from the list of available items for each respective category, and each category will have its own associated timer. Once that timer expires, new content will be randomly selected. It’ll now look like this:
- Featured Content - Manually selected, does not expire. (Newest Shop Prestige, Nexus Finisher, things from the past for the current "event", etc.)
- Bi-weekly - 12 randomly selected Mythic Skins
- Weekly - 8 randomly selected Chromas
- Daily - 4 randomly selected Icons/Wards/Emotes
This will allow content to cycle quicker and give you more chances to get that one skin you’ve been waiting for. You should also see more offerings for Chromas, Icons, Wards, and Emotes. Previously, you would only see 8 accessories in the shop during a patch, but now you’ll be able to see up to 56 different accessories in the same amount of time.
The trade off here is we can’t tell you specifically what’s coming, because we won’t know either, but we’ll still be monitoring the catalogue and making sure things are rotating through. We’re also looking to experiment with the volume and frequency of these changes so let us know what you think about these updates!
The Sanctum and Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed
With the delay of Sahn-Uzal Mordekaiser skin we're going to be extending Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed's banner until the next banner item rotates in.
Prestige Battle Academia Qiyana
While testing and preparing the new shop we discovered a bug where the Prestige Battle Academia Qiyana listing wasn't properly granting her Icon Border. We weren't able to get this fixed in time for release, so for a moment if you purchase her she will come without the Icon Border.
We will be retroactively granting this for players at a later date when we have the issue fixed but currently don't have an ETA on that. So don't worry if it's missing, we will get it to you. We'll let you know as soon as we have an update on this.
Black Rose Beats
The Black Rose arrives on Summoner's Rift this patch, and with them some music changes. So if you're interested make sure your in-game music is turned on!
- Brand new spawn-in music has been added (if you watched Arcane keep an ear out)
- An additional layer of the Black Rose female choir will be added throughout the different stages of the game.
Bugfixes & QoL Changes
- Fixed an issue that caused teleporting through mid/top to trigger lane swap penalties.
- Fixed an issue that caused K'Sante's W to fizzle out when attempting to channel as Grounding was ending.
- Fixed an issue that caused Fiddlesticks effigy to trigger lane swap detection.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jack of All Trades to not add stats correctly for Yun Tal Wildarrows crit stat.
- Fixed an issue that caused Honor level 5 flair to not display.
- Fixed an issue that caused Lissandra's Passive units to trigger lane swap detection.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Honor Recall to display at incorrect levels.
- Fixed an issue that caused Lane Swap detection with various clones.
- Fixed an issue that caused Junglers to trigger laneswaps upon entering the enemy Jungle if they already activated on Mid or Top lanes.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Void Rift Scuttle to not grant a vision bubble if they changed their form while alive.
- Fixed an issue where right clicking Herald while teleporting would cancel teleport.
- Fixed an issue where Lillia's R could be cast without the effect when Dream Dust was expiring.
- Fixed an issue where Mels E snare would cause debug text to appear for debuffs.
- Fixed an issue that caused Lucian's second shot Passive would inconsistently proc plants.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Twitch to do maximum stack damage on low stack targets if using E while Passive stacks were expiring.
- Fixed an issue where Urgot W could cause Atakhan to reset improperly.
- Fixed an issue where traps wouldn't get spotted by Nexus Turrets after respawning.
- Fixed an issue where after Viego would transform back from Mel, ability damage would decrease and Smite would only deal 300 damage.
- Fixed an issue where Mel's basic attack would disable NIdalee's W.
- Fixed an issue where performance could sometimes drop in custom games.
- Fixed an issue where Ambessa's Passive could ignore Dodge/Blind.
- Fixed an issue where Viktor's evolutions could be greyed out.
- Fixed an issue where High Noon Viktor's Homeguard SFX would display improperly.
- Fixed an issue where some debug text would display for certain Nemesis Quests.
- Fixed an issue where K'Sante's EQW combo could cause W to cancel.
- Fixed an issue where an attempt to attack-move while rooted/snared would sometimes cause a champion to be unable to attack.
- Fixed an issue where issuing move commands while snared/rooted would sometimes cause an auto-attack unintentionally.
- Fixed a bug that players' anonymized names do not appear in Ranked Champ Select Chat when first joining.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where Feats of Strength would not reset after using the Reset Game function.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where tier 3 boots would not function correctly.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where the Spawn Jungle Plants function would no longer work after using the Reset Game function.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where clones would deal 0 damage to target dummies.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where damage taken by a practice dummy would not always accurately reflect the damage dealt.
Arena Bugfixes/QoL Improvements
- Fixed a bug where Shyvana wasn't gaining stacks of her passive.
- Fixed a bug where if you were panning at the start of combat it would reset your camera location.
- Fixed a bug where Courage of the Colossus wouldn't grant you multiple shields if you CCed multiple champions at once.
- Fixed a bug where Now You See Me was triggering on non-movement related abilities.
- Fixed a bug where Overflow was adding a mana cost to abilities that didn't cost mana.
- We'll Be Right Back no longer applies on units that are CC immune
- Divine Intervention's Falling Star VFX now correctly displays.
- Ghostcrawler's cooldown icon moved in tooltip
- Sanguine Gift - Fixed a bug where dummy damage/heal was tracked
- Redemption - Fixed a bug where dummy damage/heal was tracked
- Crown of the Shattered Queen - Fixed a bug where the grace period damage reduction was not occurring
- Crown of the Shattered Queen - Fixed tracker for Crown of the Shattered Queen -
- Fixed a bug during Swain's Guest of Honor appearance that caused clones to be able to pick up ravens for their owner during Swain's Guest of Honor
- Ravens that were in the middle of spawning when the combat ends will now be automatically picked up by the winning team.
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch:
The following chromas will be released this patch: